Friday, November 4, 2011

Week November 6 to 12, 2011


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Remembrance Sunday,
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.

Here is some news to share with you:

NOVEMBER 6th @ 10:30 AM

Remembrance Sunday,
Presider: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
Sidepeople for November:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Margaret Lyons
Hymns: 659-660, 528, 575, 352 & 573.
Rite: Te Deum

SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.

WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, November 9th @ 10 am. We are starting a new series of studies on "Challenges from the Scriptures", followed by coffee time. Liturgical Colour: Green . We pray for the Diocese of Bermuda. Readings: 1 Samuel 15: 1-3; Psalm 78: 1-7 & St. Luke 17: 11-19.

PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Chau Yuan M. Li, Maureen Curtin, Jack & Eleonor Lynch, Margaret Sills, Anne, Tania & Scarlett Farrugia, Tim Shields, Sahah Hamilton; Lyne Argyle, Bernice Graham, Gregory Greco, Ruby Rasmussen, Monica Edwards, Winsbley and Arthur & Beulah Reid.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Evan Family.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's: Olga Novak & Siu Yut Yut.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For our synod delegate, Margaret Lyons, attending synod on Nov 25-26.

Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.

BAKE SALE: We invite you all to attend our Christmas lunch and Bake Sale at 404 Willard Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, November 26th, 2011. Time 11:30 am. to 1.30 pm. Mark your calendar!! Join us and invite others!!!

NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 06 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm, Parroquia San Esteban
NOV 09 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
NOV 09 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
NOV 10 Italian Mass @ 10 am, St. Mary Magdalene
NOV 10 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm, St.James' Deanery
NOV 10 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
NOV 11 Remembrance Day @ 10:30 am Soldier Tower, UofT
NOV 13 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
NOV 14 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
NOV 15 Ethnic Committee meeting @ 10 am
NOV 16 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
NOV 16 Pastoral Counselling @ 4:30 pm
NOV 17 Italian Mass ! 10 am, St. Mary Magdalene
NOV 20 Sunday School & Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 20 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm, Parroquia San Esteban
NOV 23 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
NOV 24 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
NOV 24 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
NOV 25-26 Diocesan Synod from 9 am to 9 pm
NOV 26 Bake Sale from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
NOV 27 Sunday School & Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 27 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
NOV 29 Postulancy Committee from noon to 3 pm
NOV 30 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am

THURSDAY DISCUSSION GROUP: Join us and let us learn and grow together in this journey of faith and spirit. Very inter-active dynamic. We are looking for you!!!



NOV 07 Willibrord, Archbp. of Utrecht, 739
NOV 10 Leo the Great, teacher of the Faith, 461
NOV 11 Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397
NOV 12 Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836
NOV 14 Samuel Seabury, 1st Anglican Bishop in N.America
NOV 16 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 1093
NOV 17 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
NOV 18 Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
NOV 19 Elizabeth, Princess of Hungary, 1231
NOV 20 Edmund, King of East Anglia, Martyr, 870
NOV 23 Clement, Bishop of Rome, c. 100
NOV 30 Saint Andrew the Apostle
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).


NOV 06 Diocese of Karnataka North, India
NOV 07 Diocese of Karnataka South, India
NOV 08 Diocese of Katakwa, Kenya
NOV 09 Diocese of Bermuda, Extra Provicial to Canterbury
NOV 10 Diocese of Katanga, Congo
NOV 11 Diocese of Katsina, Nigeria
NOV 12 Diocese of Kebbi, Nigeria.

NOV 06 Scouts Group
NOV 13 Jean Colwell
NOV 20 Margaret Lyons
NOV 27 Radika Fraser

FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR: Thank you for your support and the beautiful flowers given through the year.

SUN. NOV 06 For Daniel Francois by Fr. Maurice
SUN. NOV 13 Put your name here
SUN. NOV 20 For Lou Cowley by Shirley Buckley
SUN. NOV 20 For our parish by Melissa Diaz
SUN. NOV 27 For her mother by Kay Karbownik

NOV 06 Mothers of the Scout Group
NOV 13 Kingsley & Mary Iloabochie
NOV 20 Put your name here
NOV 27 Margaret Lyons & Melissa Diaz

NOV 09 Melissa Diaz
NOV 20 Robert Fraser
NOV 22 Bert Hein
NOV 22 Mary Tudor
NOV 26 Samantha Lyons
NOV 26 Meredith Tudor

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still to take your pending decision? Still is time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.

THANKSGIVING OFFERING 2011: This year we received $ 686 from Thanksgiving Offering 2011 in comparison to $ 3,200 from last year (2010). If you still have the Thanksgiving envelop with you bring it, that will make a major difference to face our expenses as parish. Thank you very much.

FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.

WEEKLY SMILE: "When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. That's re;ativity." Albert Einstein

WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: Wlak a dog around the neighbourhood, loves music and has a great good will. So, who is our person of November? Let us know during the coffee hour.

NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30
NOV 25-26 Diocesan Synod
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 7 pm
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday @ 10:30 am

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service @ 10:30 am. and Wednesday Study and HT @ 10 am.

See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!


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