Week of March 3 to 9, 2013
SUNDAY, MARCH 3rd 2013
Third Sunday in Lent
Presider & Homilist: Fr. Maurice
Children Focus: Melisa & Gavin Diaz
Lay Readers: Radika Fraser
Sidepeople for March:
Shirley Buckley
Chancel Guild:
Margaret Lyons
Hymns: 393, 394, 624 & 385Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY STUDIES: Join to our Wednesday Study in our series of studies "Prophecies and the Bible" followed by the Eucharistic Celebration and Coffee Time @ 10 a.m. Liturgical colour: Purple. We pray for the Diocese of California, USA. St. Perpetua and her companions, Martyrs, Africa 203. Readings for this Wednesday, March 6th are: Deuteronomy 4: 1, 5-10; Psalm 147: 13-21 & St. Matthew 5; 17-20.
MAR 01 Funeral Visitation (Arthur Reid) from 5 to 9 pm
MAR 02 Funeral & Burial Service for Arthur Reid @ 11 am
MAR 03 Sunday Service & Children Focus @ 10:30 am
MAR 03 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 03 Hispanic Mass & Episcopal Visit @ 3 pm
MAR 04 Technology Team working day @ 1 pm
MAR 05 Workshop of Internet from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
MAR 05 Clericus meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 06 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
MAR 06 Ecumenical meeting @ 1 pm
MAR 07 Italian Mass @ 10 am. St.Mary Magdalene
MAR 07 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
MAR 10 Sunday Service & Children Focus @ 10:30 am
MAR 10 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm. Parroquia San Esteban
MAR 12 Clericus Parkdale & Toronto West Deaneries @ 12 pm
MAR 13 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
MAR 14 Italian Mass @ 10 am. St.Mary Magdalene
MAR 20 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am. St.Paul, Runnymede
MAR 21 Italian Mass @ 10 am. St. Mary Magdalene
MAR 24 Palm Sunday & Children Focus @ 10:30 am
MAR 26 Ordination Renewal Vows @ St.James' Cathedral @ 10 am
MAR 27 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am. St.Paul's, Runnymede
MAR 28 Community Supper @ 5 pm
MAR 28 Maudy Thursday @ 7 pm
MAR 29 Good Friday Service @ 10 am
MAR 31 Easter Day @ 10:30 am. Alleluiah!!!!!
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Victor Borsa, Kay Karbownik, Richard, Lissa Palacios, Cynthia Wedgbury, Louise Mundell, George & Joan Funnell, Judy Barcelos , Leonardo Segovia, Bonnie St. Louis, Evelyn Doman, Kevin Diaz, Dorno y Natalie Vassel, Marg Sills, Beulah Reid, Bernice Graham, Lyne Argyle, Wilma Smith, Regina Jarowskjy, Gary Beech, Monica & Stephen Edwars, Ruth Johnson, & Jean Colwell.
Those who are in need: For the Family Ruiz Castro, for the Canadian Forces abroad and those in captivity.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's. Arthur Reid, Elida Montero, Grant McCrae.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For the our Annual Vestry meeting as a work given to the Glory of God.
+In confidence and trust let us pray to the Lord.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Diocese of Calcutta in India
Diocese of Caledonia in Canada
Diocese of Calgary in Canada
Diocese of California in USA
Diocese of Jerusalem in Middle East
Diocese of Cameroon in West Africa and
Diocese of Canberra & Goulbunr in Australia.
In confidence and trust let us pray to the Lord.
All: Lord, have mercy.+
March 3, Lent 3 – The Parish of Lloydtown and its work with the Council of the North for clean water in First Nations communities; and for the Church of the Nativity, Malvern, its afterschool, summer camp and youth programs, Seniors’ Community Lunch, and support for the local Aboriginal community, Malvern Coalition and TAIBU Community Health Centre.
March 10, Lent 4 – the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, its weekday meal program for homeless and marginally housed people, its community ministry with people with HIV/AIDS in collaboration with the Diocese of Toronto, and its fair trade coffee, chocolate and olive oil program; and for the Church of the Resurrection, Toronto, its new community garden, its support of Sanctuary, the Scott Mission and Parkdale Neighbourhood Ministries, and its advocacy for housing and environmental issues.
March 17, Lent 5 –St. Aidan, Toronto, its Out of the Cold program, its involvement in an interfaith community lunch and in the St Stephen-in-the-Fields breakfast program, its refugee sponsorship and its Christmas community lunch; and for St. Andrew-by-the-Lake, Toronto Island, its Christian Environmental Retreat Centre, and its involvement in Green Witness, Greening Sacred Spaces, and the diocesan Creation Matters Environmental Working Group.
March 24, Passion/Palm Sunday – St. Andrew, Scarborough, its monthly neighbourhood lunch program, “We Care” envelope program, and support of Faithworks; and for the St. Andrew Japanese Congregation, Toronto, its support of the Flemingdon Park Ministry and St. Monica's, its outreach to the Momiji Seniors' Residence, and other social outreach in the Japanese Canadian community.
March 31, Easter Sunday –St. Augustine of Canterbury, Toronto, its support of the Flemingdon Park Ministry, Amnesty International, the Flemingdon Community Food Bank and All Saints Sherbourne Church-Community Centre; and for St. Barnabas, Chester, its support for the ecumenical Out of the Cold program, Deacon's Cupboard, support of an orphanage in Haiti, participation in the East York Strategy, working with youth in the area to curb violence and teach life skills, and involvement in the “Vote for a Poverty Free Ontario” sign campaign.
In confidence and trust let us pray to the Lord.
All: Lord, have mercy.
Remembering St. Paul and all the saints, we commit ourselves, one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.
All: To you, O Lord.
Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate the invoices for the end of the year for tax purposes.
MAR 03 Radika Fraser x her brother Annan Poliah
MAR 10 Put your name here
MAR 17 Put your name here
MAR 24 Put your name here
MAR 03 Radika Fraser
MAR 10 Harlan Lunn
MAR 17 Jean Colwell
MAR 31 Brian Beech
MAR 03 John & Charles Wesley, priests, 1791, 1788 (see above)
MAR 07 Perpetua and her companions, Martyrs atr Carthage, 202
MAR 08 Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, Educator, 1910
MAR 09 Gregory of Nyssa, c. 395
MAR 10 Robert Machray, First Primate of Canada, 1904
MAR 17 Patrick, Missionary and Bishop in Ireland, 461
MAR 18 Cyril of Jerusalem, Teacher of the Faith, 386
MAR 19 Saint Jospeh of Nazareth
MAR 20 Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687
MAR 21 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1556
MAR 22 Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1711
MAR 23 Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop of Armenia, c. 332
MAR 25 The Annunciation of the Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
MAR 27 Charles H. Brent, Bishop of the Philippines, 1929
MAR 29 John Keeble, priest, 1866
MAR 31 John Donne, priest and poet, 1631.
MAR 03 Marg Lyons coordinator x Annual Vestry
MAR 10 Put your name
MAR 17 Put your name
MAR 24 Fr. Maurice
APR 07 Put your name here
APR 14 Put your name here
APR 21 Put your name here
APR 28 Fr. Maurice
MAR 03 Robert Fraser, Baptismal Anniversary
MAR 03 Jane Schoonmaker, Memorial Anniversary
MAR 06 James Kahara, Confirmation Anniversary
MAR 07 Myrtle Morgan, Memorial Anniversary
MAR 14 Brian & Marleen Beech, Marriage Anniversary
MAR 25 Ramon & Gloria Calero, Marriage Anniversary
MAR 30 Emma Borsa, Baptismal Anniversary
MAR 30 Stephen & Melissa Francis, Marriage Anniversary
VESTRY LIST 2013: Please, check on the news board the list of members of our parish who are entitle to vote in our coming Annual Vestry Meeting on Sunday, March 3rd at noon. More questions about the list contact members of the Parochial Tribunal: Shirley and Alan.
The members of The Property Committee reports that:
The south west roof was repaired.
The North-East door was repaired.
The organ pipe was fixed last Wednesday.
Thank you for your patience. We thanks the members of this committee to keep our house in excellent shape.
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Laying of the cornerstone of our current church building. Sunday, March 10th, 1923. Photo from City of Toronto Archives. Facilitated by Ken Jones, Scout Leader at St.Paul's. |
MAR 02 World Day of Prayer @ 10 am
MAR 03 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 24 Palm Sunday @ 10:30 am
MAR 28 Maundy Thursday & Potluck @ 5 pm & 7 pm
MAR 29 Good Friday @ 10:30 am
MAR 31 Easter Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 12 Mother's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 19 Pentecost @ 10:30 am
JUN 16 Father's Day @ 10:30 am
JUN 23 Strawberry Social @ 12 pm
JUN 30 Canada Day & Patronal Feast @ 10:30 am
SEP 07 Evan Street Party @ 5 pm
SEP 29 Back to Church Sunday @ 10:30 am
OCT 06 The Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 13 Thanksgiving Sunday @ 10:30 am
NOV 10 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30 am
DEC 01 St. Paul's Anniversary # 104 @ 10:30 am
DEC 22 Christmas Pageant @ 10:30 am
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm.
EPILOGUE: Come and join us!!!!!! We will be happy to see you and be involved in our Sunday and Wednesday Services and well in our every second Thursday at our Discussion Group. Channel your gifts and talents with us to the glory of God.
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