Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week of October 11 to 17, 2009

Week of October 11 to 17, 2009
Come help us to celebrate our Centennial
1909 - 2009

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost and
Thanksgiving Sunday.

Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.

Remember, our final countdown for our centennial is:
56 days!!!

Here is some news to share with you:

OCTOBER 11th @ 10:30 AM
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
and Thanksgiving Sunday..
Presider & Homilist:
Fr. Maurice Francois
Reader: Elizabeth Quinlan
Sidepersons for October:
Alan Peters, Beverly Weir & Rotha Sutherland.
Readings: Job 23: 1-9; Psalm 22: 1-15;
Hebrews 4: 12-16 & St. Mark 10: 17-31.
415, 405, 423 & 259.
Rite: BAS

SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.

WEDNESDAY OCT 14th: Join us for our Wednesday Study and Holy Eucharist of 10 am. This Wednesday we pray for the Diocese of Tennesssee, USA. Liturgical Colour: Green. Readings: Romans 2: 1-11; Psalm 62: 1-9 & St. Luke 11: 42-46.

We will start studies on Church History in five parts.
WED. OCT 14 The Patristic Age
WED. OCT 21 The High Middle Age
WED. OCT 28 The Reformation & Counter-Reformation
WED. NOV 04 The Post Conciliar Age.
You are welcome to join us!

PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are sick. Permanent List: Glen Garbutt, Eleanor Lynch, Ann Collins, Rotha Sutherland, Norma Cunliffe, David Trim, Julie Shea, Jack Lyons, Myrtle Morgan, Stephen Edwards, Jack Lunn, Martinique Francois, Ruth & Joel Johnson, Shirley Buckley, Regina Jaworsky, Eleanor Lynch, June Mathhews, Patsy Herd, & Ken Borland.
For those who are sick. Requested this month: Add names on the book of petitions, located at the narthex. Thanks.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's: Barry Grant.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all the children and volunteers of Sunday School.

Please, let us keep our prayer list up dated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.

Visit our web page
or our blog

This week we pray for:
OCT 11 Diocese of Tanga, Tanzania
OCT 12 Diocese of Tasmania, Australia
OCT 13 Diocese of Temotu, Melanesia
OCT 14 Diocese of Tennessee, USA
OCT 15 Diocese of Texas, USA
OCT 16 Diocese of Thoothukudi, India
OCT 17 Diocese of The Artic, Canada.

OCT 13 Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066.
OCT 15 Teresa of Avila, Reformer, 1582
OCT 15 John of the Cross, Reformer, 1591
OCT 17 Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, c. 115.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).

MINUTES FROM THE ADVISORY BOARD: Copies of the minutes of our monthly Advisory Board are available now at the Church Office. Thank you for your interest in knowing what is happening in your parish.

OCT 11 Thanksgiving Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 12 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 13 Clericus @ St. Martin's @ 11 am
OCT 14 Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 18 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 21 Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 22 Centennial Panel Meeting @ 8 pm
OCT 25 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 28 Study & HE @ 10 am
NOV 01 All Saint's Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 01 Day Light Saving. Fall back 1 hour.
NOV 02 Corpration Meeting @ 8 pm
NOV 08 Remembrance Sunday @ 10: 30 am.
NOV 11 Remembrance Day.

WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a new person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's identity: Loves to sing, has an auto-piano, great sense of humour, and is a former man of the oceans. So, who is our person of October? Let us know during the coffee hour.

BIRTHDAYS: We congratulate all our sisters and brothers on their coming birthdays during October. They are:
OCT 13 Adrianna Buckley
OCT 18 Liam Mathers
OCT 20 Kay Karbownik
OCT 23 Beverly Weir
OCT 24 Elizabeth Quinlan
OCT 27 Michael Li
OCT 31 Alice Mathu.
God bless all of them in this new year of life.

ANNIVERSARIES: Our prayers are with all those who celelebrates their anniversaries during October.
OCT 14 The Quinlan's marriage anniversary
OCT 26 Clara & Chase Norton's baptismal anniversary.

IN MEMORIAM: Our prayers and thanksgiving to God for the lives who are in the presence of God... Our support is with the families.
OCT 15 Mary Jamrich's memorial anniversary
OCT 22 Philippa Barton's memorial anniversary
OCT 22 Kieran Barton's memorial anniversary.

GLUTEN FREE: We have started to offering gluten free bread at communion. Please, let us know any other special request regarding wine or bread at our parish. Thank you.

COFFEE HOUR: Volunteers needed !!!!!!!!. Help with coffee hour. Please, sign up on the list at the newsboard. Thank you for your time and generosity in sharing a great time as a community parish. Light refreshments only.
OCT 11 Emma Borsa
OCT 18 Betty Morgan
OCT 25 Lynda & Dylan Wood.

PASTORAL VISITS DURING OUR CENTENNIAL: During this year, Fr. Maurice wants to visit you at home. A calendar is posted on the news board. Please, sign up for your day of preference. The visits will take place only on Thursdays. You can request also a special blessing of your home or communion. Calendar:
THR. OCT 15 Available
THR. OCT 22 Available
THR. OCT 29 Availabe

WEEKLY SMILE: "If you haven't turned rebel by tewnty you've got not heart; if you haven't turned establishment by thirty you've got no brains!: Kevin Spacey.

CENTENNIAL DAY: Remember to mark Saturday, December 5th, 2009 in your calendars for the big Centennial Celebration - it's been 100 years in the making!!!

ST. PAUL'S IS LOOKING FOR: We are looking for volunteers for the following roles in our parish: Sunday School volunteers and Flowers' Convenor. Are you interested? Please, contact the wardens ,Betty Morgan or David Borsa, or Father Maurice. Thanks!!!

CHRISTMAS IS COMING: Anyone who likes to support "World Vision" at Christmas time is invited to see Marg Lyons for a 2009 catalogue. This is such an excellent way to give...

DIOCESE UPDATE PANDEMIC INFORMATION: Please read the news board for the lastest update regarding H1N1 Influenza Pandemic. Please, note, intinction (dipping the bread into the chalice) is no longer an acceptable practice in the Diocese of Toronto since it is a significant health hazard. During the influenza season, you can also nod to each other rather that shaking hands during the exchange of the peace. As well, it is optional whether or not you choose to drink from the chalice after accepting the bread.

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service @ 10:30 am. and Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist Celebration @ 10:00 am.

God bless you


Saturday, October 3, 2009

week of October 4 to 10, 2009

Week of October 4 to 10, 2009
Come help us to celebrate our Centennial
1909 - 2009

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost and the
Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.

Join us a as community to worship and proclaim an
inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.

Remember, our final countdown for our centennial is:
63 days!!!
Here is some news to share with you:

OCTOBER 4th @ 10:30 AM
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
and the Blessing of the Animals.
Presider & Homilist:
Fr. Maurice Francois
Reader: Margaret Lyons
Sidepersons for October:
Alan Peters, Beverly Weir & Rotha Sutherland.
Readings: Genesis 1: 1-2, 24-31 & 2: 1;
Genesis 6: 9-22 & St. Matthew 8: 23-27.
355 v.v. 1-2, 540, 628 & 577
Rite: BAS

WEDNESDAY OCT 7th: Join us for our Wednesday Study and Holy Eucharist of 10 am. This Wednesday we pray for the Diocese of Sydney, Australia. Liturgical Colour: Green. Readings: Jonah 4: 1-11; Psalm 86: 1-10 & St. Luke 11: 1-4.

We will start studies on Church History in five parts.
WED. OCT 07 The Patristic Age
WED. OCT 14 The High Middle Age
WED. OCT 21 The Reformation & Counter-Reformation
WED. OCT 28 The Post Conciliar Age.
You are welcome to join us!

PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are sick. Permanent List: Glen Garbutt, Eleanor Lynch, Ann Collins, Rotha Sutherland, Norma Cunliffe, David Trim, Julie Shea, Jack Lyons, Myrtle Morgan, Stephen Edwards, Jack Lunn, Martinique Francois, Ruth & Joel Johnson, Shirley Buckley, Regina Jaworsky, Eleanor Lynch, June Mathhews, Patsy Herd, & Ken Borland.
For those who are sick. Requested this month: Add names on the book of petitions, located at the narthex. Thanks.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's: Barry Grant.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all the children and volunteers of Sunday School.

Please, let us keep our prayer list up dated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.

THANKSGIVING SUNDAY: "Donations of fruit, vegetables and non-perishable food is required for the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival. (The church will be open at 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 10, to receive your donations.) Help is also needed to pack your donations following the Thanksgiving service."
Visit our web page
or our blog

This week we pray for:
OCT 04 Diocese of Swansea & Brecon, Wales
OCT 05 Diocese of Swaziland, South Africa
OCT 06 Diocese of Sydney, Australia
OCT 07 Diocese of Tabora, Tanzania
OCT 08 Diocese of Tati-Taveta, Kenya
OCT 09 Diocese of Taiwan, Province VIII, USA
OCT 10 Diocese of Tamale, West Africa.

OCT 04 Francis of Assisi, Friar, 1226.
OCT 10 Paulinius, 1st Bishop of York, Missionary, 644.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).

OCT 04 The Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 04 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 05 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
OCT 06 Clericus Meeting @ St. Martin's @ 11 am
OCT 07 Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 10 Cleaning & Decoration for Thanksgiving start @ 9 am
OCT 11 Thanksgiving Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 12 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 14 Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 18 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 21 Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 25 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 28 Study & HE @ 10 am
NOV 01 All Saint's Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 02 Corpration Meeting @ 8 pm
NOV 08 Remembrance Sunday @ 10: 30 am.
NOV 11 Remembrance Day.
THE BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: As in every year, we invite you to invite others to bring these significant companions of life, your pet(s). Let us give thanks to God for animals and for their mission in life. Let us enjoy and value their love.
Sunday, October 4th @ 10:30 am.

WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a new person to discover! Few clues and let us guess the person's identity: Love to sing, has an auto-piano, great sense of humour, and is a former man of the oceans. So, who is our person of October? Let us know during the coffee hour.

BIRTHDAYS: We congratulate all our sisters and brothers on their coming birthdays during October. They are:
OCT 08 Emma Robins
OCT 09 Colleen Milburn
OCT 13 Adrianna Buckley
OCT 18 Liam Mathers
OCT 20 Kay Karbownik
OCT 23 Beverly Weir
OCT 24 Elizabeth Quinlan
OCT 27 Michael Li
OCT 31 Alice Mathu.
God bless all of them in this new year of life.

ANNIVERSARIES: Our prayers are with all those who celelebrates their anniversaries during September and October.
OCT 01 Drago & Suzanne Avdalovic's marriage anniv.
OCT 14 The Quinlan's marriage anniversary
OCT 26 Clara & Chase Norton's baptismal anniversary.

Our prayers and thanksgiving to God for the lives who are in the presence of God.. Our support is with the families.
OCT 15 Mary Jamrich's memorial anniversary
OCT 22 Philippa Barton's memorial anniversary
OCT 22 Kieran Barton's memorial anniversary.

The youth Group is organizing a campaing to raise money for our parish. Please, let us know if you want to receive a labelled glass jar to collect your change. If interested contact Mary Novak. Thank you for your support.
GLUTEN FREE: We have started to offering gluten free bread at communion. Please, let us know any other special request regarding wine or bread at our parish. Thank you.

COFFEE HOUR: Volunteers needed !!!!!!!!. Help with coffee hour. Please, sign up on the list at the newsboard. Thank you for your time and generosity in sharing a great time as a community parish. Light refreshments only.
OCT 04 Put your name here.
OCT 11 Put your name here.
OCT 18 Put your name here.
OCT 25 Put your name here.

PASTORAL VISITS DURING OUR CENTENNIAL: During this year, Fr. Maurice wants to visit you at home. A calendar is posted on the news board. Please, sign up for your day of preference. The visits will take place only on Thursdays. You can request also a special blessing of your home or communion. Calendar:
THR. OCT 08 Available
THR. OCT 15 Available
THR. OCT 22 Available
THR. OCT 29 Availabe

"Blessed is the person who, having nothing to stay, abstain from giving us worthy evidences of the fact." George Eliot.

CENTENNIAL DAY: Remember to mark Saturday, December 5th, 2009 in your calendars for the big Centennial Celebration - it's been 100 years in the making!!!

ST. PAUL'S IS LOOKING FOR: We are looking for volunteers for the following roles in our parish: Sunday School volunteers and Flowers' Convenor. Are you interested? Please, contact the wardens ,Betty Morgan or David Borsa, or Father Maurice. Thanks!!!

CHRISTMAS IS COMING: Anyone who likes to support "World Vision" at Christmas time is invited to see Marg Lyons for a 2009 catalogue. This is such an excellent way to give...

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service @ 10:30 am. and Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist Celebration @ 10:00 am.

God bless you