Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week of October 2 to 9, 2016
Twentieth Pentecost Sunday & 
The Blessing of the Animals
Presiders: Fr. Maurice & Fr. Ferro
Homilist: Father Maurice
Reader: Radika Fraser
Chancel Guild: Margaret & Katharine
Sidepeople for September 25 & OCT 2
Margaret Lyons
Hymns: 355, 415 & 529
Rite: BAS
READINGS for SUNDAY: The readings for this Sunday are: Genesis 1: 1-2, 24-31; 2:1; Romans 8: 19-23 & Saint Luke 12: 22-31.    
OCT 02 Radika Fraser 
OCT 16 Brian Beech
OCT 23 Harlan Lunn
OCT 30  Colleen Milburn

WEDNESDAY STUDY: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am at The Lady Chapel. We start the series of studies on The Martyrs of the 20th Century, lead by Juan Carlos Cordero. Wednesday, October 5th 2016, St. Francisco of Assisi, Friar, 1226. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: Galatians 2: 1-2, 7-14; Psalm 117 & St. Luke 11: 1-14.    


For those who are travelling.
For those who are sick: Murray Payne, Sara Moyle, Olive Hochevar, Bishop Philip Poole, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alice Mathu, Marilyn Harris, Alice Sigerson, Bernard Couturier, Florence McGhee, Alan Peters, John Tomlinson, Mark Richardson, Beulah Reid, Lucky Gairey, Donald Wright, Jerry McCarthy, Shirley Buckley, Sharon Kotren, Tom Walpole, Paula & Gregory Lunn, Derek & Beryl Oram, Roy Coward, Anne Marie Gutierrez, Nick Shields, Kay Karbownik, Bill Stahlbaum, Joy, Connie & Bill McGee, Susan Pratten, Wilma, Elsie Cullum, Dolly Borsa & Gary Beech.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For those who are in need: For Veronica Payne, George Sisler, & Family Poole. For the migrants, asylum seekers and refugee people around the world. For the vulnerable population and for Christian communities in Sudan, South Sudan, Iraq, Aleppo in Syria, Pakistan, China and Middle East. We pray for the Canadian Forces abroad, and for those who are in captivity due their faith, gender, race, language or sexual orientation.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For those who passed away: For all beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St.Paul's: For the victims of terrorist attack in Europe and the Middle East. We pray for For Angel Garcia, Louis Borg, Don Sloane, Nina Chyz, Roy Cameron, Christopher Knobbs, Grace Zasonski, Helen Lawrence, Kyle Wood and for all refugees killed by the Islamic State and for those innocent victims killed in conflict among nations, terrorism and organized crime.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
Our Thanksgiving prayer for: The birthdays of this week: Kathleen Overs, Emmeline Routh & Emma Robins.   
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For the Episcopal Church of the US. 
The Diocese of Jamaica & Cayman Islands
Jebba in Nigeria
Johannesburg in South Africa
Kabba in Nigeria
Kadugli in Sudan
Kaduna in Nigeria
and for the Diocese of Falkland Islands, Canterbury.    
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For organizations and people protecting animals,
forests and other naturals resources.
For more education on environment,
especially the negative impact from industries.
For more policies to protect endangered species
such whales, turtles and polar bears.
To stop hunting camps and safaris.
For more UN's restrictions over Japan, Norway
& Iceland's what hunting.
For more campaigns to stop the fur industry.
For the increase of bees and monarch butterfly
population around the world.
For Jane Goodall, activist and advocate for animal world
For Anita Krajnc, activist of Toronto Pig Save.
For the pets of our community,
Animals dying at Venezuelan zoos.
Chiki (Francois) rest in peace,
Obama (Francois) sick, and
Saddie (Borsa) injured.   
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 

OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 02 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 02 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 03 Area clergy retreat
OCT 04 Area clergy retreat
OCT 05 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 05 Pastoral Counselling @ 4;30 pm
OCT 06 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 06 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
OCT 08 Thanksgiving decorations from 9 am to noon
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
OCT 09 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 09 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 10 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 11 Pastoral counselling @ 11:30 am
OCT 12 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 12 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
OCT 13 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 14 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6:30 pm
OCT 16 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 16 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 17 Advisory Board @ 8 pm Format: Pro-Active
OCT 19 Wednesday Study & Matin @ 10 am
OCT 20 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 20 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
OCT 21 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6:30 pm
OCT 23 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 23 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 24 Clericus meeting @ 12 pm
OCT 26 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 27 Portuguese Mass @ 10 am St. Mary Magdalene
OCT 28 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6;30 pm
OCT 29 Deanery Tour from 9 am to 2 pm
OCT 30 Reformation Sunday
OCT 30 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 30 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 31 Pastoral Counselling @ 7 pm. 

SEP 20 Jerome, teacher of the Faith, 420.
OCT 04 Francis of Assisi, Friar, (see above)
OCT 10 Paulinus, 1st Bishop of York, Missionary, 644
OCT 13 Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066
OCT 15 teresa of Avila, reformer, 1582
OCT 15 John of the Cross, Reformer, 1591
OCT 17 Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c. 115
OCT 18 Saint Luke the Evangelist
OCT 19 Jean de Brebeuf & companiosn, Martyrs, 1642
OCT 23 James of Jerusalem
OCT 26 Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxon, 899
OCT 28 Saint Simon & Saint Jude, Apostles
OCT 29 James Hannington & companiosn, Martyrs, 1885
OCT 30 John Wyclyf, Reformer, 1384
OCT30 Jan Hus, Reformer, 1415
OCT 31 Saints of the Reformation Era.  
OCT 02 Margaret & Katharine
OCT 08 Thanksgivig Decoration of the church 
OCT 09 All the team
OCT 16 Colleen & Titi
OCT 23 Margaret & Anne
OCT 30 Betty & Radika.

A minisyry of welcoming and hospitality. Join us! Be a channel of blessing on Sundays. Thank you for signing up on the calendar located at the news board in the hallway outside of the lounge. Please, coordinate with Kay Karbownik, our Sidepeople's Chair.
SEP 25 - OCT 02 Margaret Lyons
OCT 09 - OCT 16 Radika Fraser
OCT 23 - OCT 30 Kay Karbownik
NOV 06 - NOV 13 Radika Fraser
NOV 20 - NOV 27 Margaret Lyons
OCT 02 Colleen Milburn
OCT 09 Put your name here
OCT 16 Fr. Maurice & Mark Richardson
OCT 23 Put your name here
OCT 30 Put your name here.

OCT 01 Suzan & Drago Avdalovic, Marriage Anniversary
OCT 01 Aisnley Jurik, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 12 Renee Mugadza, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 12 Shane Mugadza, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 14 Barbara & Cliff Nobel, Marriage Anniversary
OCT 15 Mary Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 22 Philippa Barton, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 22 Kieran Barton, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 23 Kyle Diaz, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 23 Nyle Diaz, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 26 Clara Nortin, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 31 Olga Novak, Memorial Anniversary


OCT 02 Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday @ 10:30 am 
NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30 am
DEC 01 World AIDS Day
DEC 04 St. Paul's Parish Anniversary # 106 @ 10:30 am
DEC 18 Lessons & Carols Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm
DEC 25 Christmas Day Service @ 10:30 am.
JAN 17-24 Week of Prayers for Christian Unity
JAN 24 Ecumenical Service 3 pm.
FEB 09 Pancake Supper from 5 to 7:30 pm
FEB 10 Ash Wednesday Service @ 10 am

FEB 21 Baden Powell Sunday @ 10:30 am
FEB 28 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 05 World Day of Prayer
MAR 24-APR 05 Holy Week
MAR 19 Cinema & Children @ 3 pm
MAR 19 Cinema @ our parish lounge @ 8 pm
MAR 20 Palm Sunday @ 10:30 am
MAR 24 Potluck before the service @ 5 pm
MAR 24 Maundy Thursday @ 7:30 pm
MAR 25 Good Friday @ 10:30 am
MAR 25 Walking for Justice @ 2 pm

MAR 27 Easter Day @ 10:30 am
APR 02 World Day of Autism
APR 22 Earth's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 08 Mother's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 15 Pentecost Day
MAY 17 International Day Against Homophobia
JUN 19 Father's Day @ 10:30 am
JUN 19 Picnic Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 25 Cinema & Children @ 3 pm
JUN 26 Patronal Feast of St. Paul the Apostle
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after the Service

JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 03 Pride Sunday
AUG 01 Civic .
SEP 03 Evans Street Neighbourhood Party @ 5 pm
SEP 17 Episcopal Election Diocesan Synod @ 9 am
SEP 18 The Blessing of the Backpacks @ 10:30 am
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday @ 10:30 am

Week of October 2 to 9, 2016
Twentieth Pentecost Sunday & 
The Blessing of the Animals
Presiders: Fr. Maurice & Fr. Ferro
Homilist: Father Maurice
Reader: Radika Fraser
Chancel Guild: Margaret & Katharine
Sidepeople for September 25 & OCT 2
Margaret Lyons
Hymns: 355, 415 & 529
Rite: BAS
READINGS for SUNDAY: The readings for this Sunday are: Genesis 1: 1-2, 24-31; 2:1; Romans 8: 19-23 & Saint Luke 12: 22-31.    
OCT 02 Radika Fraser 
OCT 16 Brian Beech
OCT 23 Harlan Lunn
OCT 30  Colleen Milburn

WEDNESDAY STUDY: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am at The Lady Chapel. We start the series of studies on The Martyrs of the 20th Century, lead by Juan Carlos Cordero. Wednesday, October 5th 2016, St. Francisco of Assisi, Friar, 1226. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: Galatians 2: 1-2, 7-14; Psalm 117 & St. Luke 11: 1-14.    


For those who are travelling.
For those who are sick: Murray Payne, Sara Moyle, Olive Hochevar, Bishop Philip Poole, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Alice Mathu, Marilyn Harris, Alice Sigerson, Bernard Couturier, Florence McGhee, Alan Peters, John Tomlinson, Mark Richardson, Beulah Reid, Lucky Gairey, Donald Wright, Jerry McCarthy, Shirley Buckley, Sharon Kotren, Tom Walpole, Paula & Gregory Lunn, Derek & Beryl Oram, Roy Coward, Anne Marie Gutierrez, Nick Shields, Kay Karbownik, Bill Stahlbaum, Joy, Connie & Bill McGee, Susan Pratten, Wilma, Elsie Cullum, Dolly Borsa & Gary Beech.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For those who are in need: For Veronica Payne, George Sisler, & Family Poole. For the migrants, asylum seekers and refugee people around the world. For the vulnerable population and for Christian communities in Sudan, South Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, China and Middle East. We pray for the Canadian Forces abroad, and for those who are in captivity due their faith, gender, race, language or sexual orientation.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For those who passed away: For all beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St.Paul's: For the victims of terrorist attack in Europe and the Middle East. We pray for For Angel Garcia, Louis Borg, Don Sloane, Nina Chyz, Roy Cameron, Christopher Knobbs, Grace Zasonski, Helen Lawrence, Kyle Wood and for all refugees killed by the Islamic State and for those innocent victims killed in conflict among nations, terrorism and organized crime.
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
Our Thanksgiving prayer for: The birthdays of this week: Kathleen Overs, Emmeline Routh & Emma Robins.   
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For the Episcopal Church of the US. 
The Diocese of Jamaica & Cayman Islands
Jebba in Nigeria
Johannesburg in South Africa
Kabba in Nigeria
Kadugli in Sudan
Kaduna in Nigeria
and for the Diocese of Falkland Islands, Canterbury.    
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 
For organizations and people protecting animals,
forests and other naturals resources.
For more education on environment,
especially the negative impact from industries.
For more policies to protect endangered species
such whales, turtles and polar bears.
To stop hunting camps and safaris.
For more UN's restrictions over Japan, Norway
& Iceland's what hunting.
For more campaigns to stop the fur industry.
For the increase of bees and monarch butterfly
population around the world.
For Jane Goodall, activist and advocate for animal world
For Anita Krajnc, activist of Toronto Pig Save.
For the pets of our community,
Animals dying at Venezuelan zoos.
Chiki (Francois) rest in peace,
Obama (Francois) sick, and
Saddie (Borsa) injured.   
Let us pray to the Lord, 
Lord, have mercy. 

OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 02 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 02 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 03 Area clergy retreat
OCT 04 Area clergy retreat
OCT 05 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 05 Pastoral Counselling @ 4;30 pm
OCT 06 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 06 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
OCT 08 Thanksgiving decorations from 9 am to noon
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
OCT 09 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 09 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 10 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 11 Pastoral counselling @ 11:30 am
OCT 12 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 12 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
OCT 13 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 14 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6:30 pm
OCT 16 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 16 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 17 Advisory Board @ 8 pm Format: Pro-Active
OCT 19 Wednesday Study & Matin @ 10 am
OCT 20 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
OCT 20 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
OCT 21 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6:30 pm
OCT 23 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 23 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 24 Clericus meeting @ 12 pm
OCT 26 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
OCT 27 Portuguese Mass @ 10 am St. Mary Magdalene
OCT 28 Mexican Food Workshop @ 6;30 pm
OCT 29 Deanery Tour from 9 am to 2 pm
OCT 30 Reformation Sunday
OCT 30 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
OCT 30 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
OCT 31 Pastoral Counselling @ 7 pm. 

SEP 20 Jerome, teacher of the Faith, 420.
OCT 04 Francis of Assisi, Friar, (see above)
OCT 10 Paulinus, 1st Bishop of York, Missionary, 644
OCT 13 Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066
OCT 15 teresa of Avila, reformer, 1582
OCT 15 John of the Cross, Reformer, 1591
OCT 17 Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c. 115
OCT 18 Saint Luke the Evangelist
OCT 19 Jean de Brebeuf & companiosn, Martyrs, 1642
OCT 23 James of Jerusalem
OCT 26 Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxon, 899
OCT 28 Saint Simon & Saint Jude, Apostles
OCT 29 James Hannington & companiosn, Martyrs, 1885
OCT 30 John Wyclyf, Reformer, 1384
OCT30 Jan Hus, Reformer, 1415
OCT 31 Saints of the Reformation Era.  
OCT 02 Margaret & Katharine
OCT 08 Thanksgivig Decoration of the church 
OCT 09 All the team
OCT 16 Colleen & Titi
OCT 23 Margaret & Anne
OCT 30 Betty & Radika.

A minisyry of welcoming and hospitality. Join us! Be a channel of blessing on Sundays. Thank you for signing up on the calendar located at the news board in the hallway outside of the lounge. Please, coordinate with Kay Karbownik, our Sidepeople's Chair.
SEP 25 - OCT 02 Margaret Lyons
OCT 09 - OCT 16 Radika Fraser
OCT 23 - OCT 30 Kay Karbownik
NOV 06 - NOV 13 Radika Fraser
NOV 20 - NOV 27 Margaret Lyons
OCT 02 Colleen Milburn
OCT 09 Put your name here
OCT 16 Fr. Maurice & Mark Richardson
OCT 23 Put your name here
OCT 30 Put your name here.

OCT 01 Suzan & Drago Avdalovic, Marriage Anniversary
OCT 01 Aisnley Jurik, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 12 Renee Mugadza, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 12 Shane Mugadza, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 14 Barbara & Cliff Nobel, Marriage Anniversary
OCT 15 Mary Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 22 Philippa Barton, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 22 Kieran Barton, Memorial Anniversary
OCT 23 Kyle Diaz, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 23 Nyle Diaz, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 26 Clara Nortin, Baptismal Anniversary
OCT 31 Olga Novak, Memorial Anniversary


OCT 02 Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday @ 10:30 am 
NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30 am
DEC 01 World AIDS Day
DEC 04 St. Paul's Parish Anniversary # 106 @ 10:30 am
DEC 18 Lessons & Carols Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm
DEC 25 Christmas Day Service @ 10:30 am.
JAN 17-24 Week of Prayers for Christian Unity
JAN 24 Ecumenical Service 3 pm.
FEB 09 Pancake Supper from 5 to 7:30 pm
FEB 10 Ash Wednesday Service @ 10 am

FEB 21 Baden Powell Sunday @ 10:30 am
FEB 28 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 05 World Day of Prayer
MAR 24-APR 05 Holy Week
MAR 19 Cinema & Children @ 3 pm
MAR 19 Cinema @ our parish lounge @ 8 pm
MAR 20 Palm Sunday @ 10:30 am
MAR 24 Potluck before the service @ 5 pm
MAR 24 Maundy Thursday @ 7:30 pm
MAR 25 Good Friday @ 10:30 am
MAR 25 Walking for Justice @ 2 pm

MAR 27 Easter Day @ 10:30 am
APR 02 World Day of Autism
APR 22 Earth's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 08 Mother's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 15 Pentecost Day
MAY 17 International Day Against Homophobia
JUN 19 Father's Day @ 10:30 am
JUN 19 Picnic Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 25 Cinema & Children @ 3 pm
JUN 26 Patronal Feast of St. Paul the Apostle
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after the Service

JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 03 Pride Sunday
AUG 01 Civic .
SEP 03 Evans Street Neighbourhood Party @ 5 pm
SEP 17 Episcopal Election Diocesan Synod @ 9 am
SEP 18 The Blessing of the Backpacks @ 10:30 am
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday @ 10:30 am