Saturday, June 30, 2012

Now that many of you have read our Centennial Book, "Congratulations! - A Treasury"
we would be interested in your feedback.
All comments are welcome.
To assist you we provide some prompts: -
1. Did you enjoyed the book?
2. Was it an "easy read" ?
3. Did you learn new things about St. Paul's
    and our Anglican identity? Please, amplify.
4. Did the book have spiritual dimension for you?
    Please comment.
5. Were there any aspect (other than the above)
    that touched, intrigued and/or challenged you?
    Please identify.                                                                                                    
6. On a scale to 1 to 10 (highest)
    how would you rate this book?
    Clue: did it disappoint, meet, or exceed your expectations?
7. Any other insights you would like to share?
If you use those prompts you can refer only to the item number above for each response (saves writing!).
We thank you for your cooperation.
Your name (optional)
(Please hand your responses to Father Maurice,
the Wardens or Harlan.)

Week of July 1st to 7, 2012
SUNDAY, JULY 1st 2012
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost,
Canada Day and St. Peter & St. Paul
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Readers: Radika Fraser
Sidepeople for July:
Alan Peters & Beverly Weir
Chancel Guild:
Betty Morgan & Kay Karbownik
Hymns: 659/660, 99, 84 & 379
Rite: BAS
This Sunday, we celebrate the Patronal Feast
of St. Paul.
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICE: We started a new series of studies on Apocryphal Books. Join us for our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, July 4th @ 10 am, followed by coffee time. Liturgical Colour: Green. We pray for the Diocese of Perth, Australia. Readings: Amos 5: 14-15, 21-24; Psalm 50: 7-15 & St. Matthew 8: 28-34.  
JUL 01 Canada Day - Pride Parade
JUL 01 Patronal Feast of Saint Paul (transferred)
JUL 01 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 01 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
JUL 04 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 05 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 08 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 11 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 12 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 15 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 18 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 19 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 22 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 25 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 26 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 29 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick:
Nevel Vassel, Monique Sikora, Heather Harris, Monica Edwards, Jack Lynch, Marcus Shields, Thomas Boyd, Gillian Tenneson, Kay Karbownik, Melody Condlln, Bishop Patrick Yu, George Funnell, Gary Beech, Baulah & Arthur Reid, Norman McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Maureen Curtin, Bernice Graham, Mimi Rossias, Regina Jarowskjy, Martinique Francois and Beulah Alay.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's: Sue McBrian and victims of Elliot Lake Mall.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: Our beautiful country, Canada!!!!!
Diocese of Perth, Australia
Diocese of Peru, Peru
Diocese of Peshawar, Pakistan
Diocese of Peterborough, England
Diocese of Phulbani, India
Diocese of Pittsburg, USA'
Diocese of Plynesia, New Zealand

Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes.
JUL 01 Harlan Lunn in memory of his wife Elly
JUL 08 Put your name here
JUL 15 Put your name here
JUL 22 Put your name here
JUL 29 Put your name here
JUL 01 Radika Fraser
JUL 08 Colleen Milburn
JUL 15 Harlan Lunn
JUL 22 Margaret Lyons
JUL 29 Brian Beech

JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle ( see above)
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c. 540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.

JUL 01 Put your name here
JUL 08 Father Maurice
JUL 15 Put your name here
JUL 22 Put your name here
JUL 29 Put your name here.
JUL 04 Mildred Leighton
JUL 26 Jordan Milbrun-Tai
JUL 30 Joan Miles
JUL 31 Brendon Milburn-Tai
JUL 19 Bruno & Angela Biscaro, Wedding Anniversary
JUL 19 Victoria Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUL 30 Oliver Emo, Baptismal Anniversary
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee reports that four panels with organ pipes from the old organ of The Church of The Holy Trinity, build in 1849, will be installed at the narthex of our temple, the installation will be complete during summer.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." Brooke Shield.

MISSION STATEMENT: We have finished the rewriting our current Mission Statement. The process is still in progress, howver, we eant to hear your feedback. The result from the three contributions will used as follow:

We are a welcoming Anglican community.
We offer spiritual growth in the lives of those seeking
the enriching power of God's unending love, compassion and hope.
You've got a friend in the neighbourhood.
Join us for the mysteries; see what will be revealed.
JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 01 Patronal Feast of St.Paul
SEP 08 Evans Street Party
SEP 20 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Day
NOV 11 Remembrance Day
DEC 02 St. Paul's 103th Anniversary
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Photos from our Annual Strawberry Social.
We thanks to everyone who help in this event.
Without your contribution this tradition this
special Sunday don't will be the same.

Originally, the idea was to enjoy outdoors.
The rain put us indoors, but still we enjoyed
great time and enjoying delicious strawberries.

Win Bourchier was celebrated by everyone few days in
advance of her birthday!!!!

If you guess to whom belongs these hands
you will win a surprise prize.
So, let us know by Sunday, July 1st,
The fancy hat club for this special day.
Shirley in white hat and Colleen in green hat.
Thomas Paul is licking his fingers afte to enjoy a
nice portion of strawberry and ice icream.
The Diaz Family and Mark posing to the camera.
They enjoyed and had fun at the event.
Mary Novak the coordinator for Strawbeterry Social 2012.
Great job! Congratulations for making all the arrangments
for this special tradition which once again was very

Brian Beech is paying his $ 6 dollars to start as soon as
possible his feast. Kay Karbownik was the cashier with a
nice hat for the occassion.
Emma Borsa definitely loves strawberries!!!!
She worked hard assisting Mary Novak and David Borsa
from early Sunday. Thank you for your support Emma!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

JUNE 24th
after our Sunday Service.

Enjoy great strawberries,
cake and ice-cream!!!!
$ 6 Adult, $ 3 child, $ 12 Families

All the best in this new year of life.

The congregation of St. Paul's Church, Runnymede
Week of June 24 to 30, 2012

SUNDAY, JUNE 24th 2012
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost and
The Birth of St. John the Baptist.
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Readers: Jean Colwell
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for June:
David Borsa & Ken Fraser
Chancel Guild:
Mary Novak & Jean Colwell
Hymns: 106, 503, 103 & 108.
Rite: BCP
The homily this Sunday is based on St. Mark 4:35-41
Jesus calms the storm.
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.

WEDNESDAY SERVICE: We started a new series of studies on Apocryphal Books. Join us for our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 27th @ 10 am, followed by coffee time. Liturgical Colour: Green. We pray for the Diocese of Paraguay, Paraguay. Readings: 2 King 22: 8-13, 23: 1-3; Psalm 19: 33-40 & St. Matthew 7: 15-20.  
CENTENNIAL BOOK: On Sunday, June 10th we blessed eight complementary copies of our Centennial Book. We prayed to God that this book will be a vehicle to share our testimony as proclaimers of the inclusive and transforming gospel and how God is working on us a parish in our neighbourhood. The books will be given to: Archbishop of Toronto, Colin Johnson; Area Bishop, Philip Poole; Curator of ROM, Corey Keeble; Photographer, Fraser Telford; Digital Producer, Conrad Garcia; Diocesan Archives, City of Toronto Archives, Junction Historical Society.
JUN 24 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
JUN 24 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 27 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUN 28 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUN 28 Clericus meeting at St. Thomas's Church @ 12 pm
JUN 29 Patronal Day of Saint Paul
JUN 29 Pastoral Counselling @ 10 am
JUL 01 Canada Day - Pride Parade
JUL 01 Patronal Feast of Saint Paul (transferred)
JUL 01 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 01 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
JUL 04 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 05 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 08 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 11 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 12 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 15 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 18 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 19 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 22 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 25 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
JUL 26 Italian Mass @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
JUL 29 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick:
Nevel Vassel, Monique Sikora, Heather Harris, Monica Edwards, Jack Lynch, Marcus Shields, Thomas Boyd, Gillian Tenneson, Kay Karbownik, Melody Condlln, James Spencer, Dominik Mikolajczyk, Bishop Patrick Yu, Stanley Walpoole, Anne Blok, George Funnell, Gary Beech, Baulah & Arthur Reid, Norman McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Maureen Curtin, Bernice Graham, Mimi Rossias, Regina Jarowskjy, Martinique Francois and Beulah Alay.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's: Sue McBrian.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: 
Diocese of Oxford, England
Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria
Diocese of Panama, Panama
Diocese of Paraguay, Paraguay
Diocese of Patna, India
Diocese of Pelotas, Brazil
Diocese of Pennsylvania, USA
June 24, Birth of John the Baptist – Pray for St. George Memorial, Oshawa, its participation in St. Vincent’s Kitchen and the Mary Street Community School breakfast program, and its support of the Cornerstone Men’s Hostel, Denise House for women and children escaping abuse, Lakeridge Chaplaincy, and other community ministries; and for St. George on-the-Hill, and its support of the Out of the Cold program, the Diocese of Havana, Cuba, the Jean Tweed Centre for Women with Addictions, and the George Hull Centre for Families in Crisis.
Dear Marg and Brian,

On behalf of Diana Baxter and the Garden Tour Committee, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you, all your helpers, and Father Maurice for your warm welcome and collaboration to help make our Garden Tour such a success. The funds we raise through events like this are important contributions to our community garden projects.

We were especially pleased that the lunch on the lawn worked out so well for all of us. It was definitely an added value for our tour clients who were very complimentary about the food, the lovely setting, the convenience and the price. The church setting, with the beautiful stained glass windows and rich wood of the comfortable pews, worked perfectly for our 'Pollinator Garden' lecture. The rooms for our After-Tour supper were just right and allowed us to end the day with appropriate thanks to everyone.

We are very grateful for this opportunity to work together. We enjoyed the experience.


Thanks to everyone for helping to make our part in the Bloor West Garden Tour such a success. It was a wonderful day.

We are expecting a hundred dollar honorarium from the Parkdale Toronto Horticultural Society. They also will be planting some perennials in our gardens.

Financial Report - Total sales and contributions for the cafe $533.02

Total output for food for lunch $131.45

$ 401.57 (+ $100 from the Horts)

The suggestion has been made that half our profits go to St. Paul's Runnymede and the other half to a charity of our choice, possibly a newly begun Anglican endeavour within the Toronto Diocese.


FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR:Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes.
JUN 24 Brian Beech for his mother's memorial anniversary
JUL 01 Put your name here
JUL 08 Put your name here
JUL 15 Put your name here
JUL 22 Put your name here
JUL 29 Put your name here

JUN 24 Jean Colwell
JUL 01 Radika Fraser
JUL 08 Colleen Milburn
JUL 15 Harlan Lunn
JUL 22 Margaret Lyons
JUL 29 Brian Beech
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c. 540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.

JUN 24 Strawberry Social
JUL 01 Put your name here
JUL 08 Father Maurice
JUL 15 Put your name here
JUL 22 Put your name here
JUL 29 Put your name here.
JUN 01 Emma Borsa
JUN 04 Joshua Coroa
JUN 09 Roberth Routh
JUN 10 Betty Morgan
JUN 17 Hannah Stankiewicz
JUN 23 Devin Yuke
JUN 28 Win Bourchier
JUN 04 Baptismal anniversary of Liam Mather
JUN 20 Memorial anniversary of Karol Jamrich
JUN 16 Memorial anniversary of Austen Beech
JUN 26 Marriage anniversary of Andrew & Wendy Gardner
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee reports that four panels with organ pipes from the old organ of The Church of The Holy Trinity, build in 1849, will be installed at the narthex of our temple, the installation will be complete during summer.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.

WEEKLY SMILE: "A person is never truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar." Mark Twain
MISSION STATMENT: We finished the process involving the congregation to re-write our current Mission Statement. The process is still in progress for the next steps. Still we eant to hear your feedback. The result from the three contributions will used as follow:
1) The edited Mission Statement
2) Slogan for our parish
3) Slogan for Wednesday Studies.

We are a welcoming Anglican community.
We offer spiritual growth in the lives of those seeking the enriching power of God's unending love, compassion and hope.
You've got a friend in the neighbourhood.
"St. Paul's Runnymede - Join us for the mysteries; see what will be revealed."
JUL 01 Canada Day
SEP 08 Evans Street Party
SEP 20 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Day
NOV 11 Remembrance Day
DEC 02 St. Paul's 103th Anniversary
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service 

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!