Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Week of July 3 to 10, 2011
Week f July 3rd to 10, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Third Sunday after Pentecost &
Canada Church Day.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JULY 3rd @ 10:30 AM
Third Sunday after Pentecost.
Presider: Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Phil
Lay Reader: Alan Peters
Sidepeople for July:
Margaret Lyons & Kay Karbownik
Chancel Guild:
Marg Lyons & Jean Colwell
Hymns: 659-660, Insert, 565 & Insert
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, July 6th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Tennessee, USA. Liturgical Colour: Green. Thomas More, 1535. Readings: Genesis 41: 55-57, 42: 5-7a, 17-24; Psalm 33: 1-4, 18-22 & St. Matthew 10: 1-7. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: William Gould, Lynne Argyle, David Trim, Anne Ferrugia, Carol & Jerry McCarthy & Camilla Poliah.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters Missouri, and China.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all students and school teachers and for the end of the school year.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 2011: We thank everyone who attended and volunteer working to prepare this great annual event in our parish. We thank to Liz Quinlan for coordinating every single detail.
JUL 03 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 07 Visit to O'Neill Centre
JUL 10 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 14 Visit to O'Neill Centre
JUL 17 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 21 Visit to O'Neill Centre
JUL 24 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 28 Visit to O'Neill Centre
JUL 31 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am.
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c.540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 84% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this noble initiative. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUL 03 Diocese of East Ankole, Uganda
JUL 04 Diocese of East Caroline, USA
JUL 05 Diocese of East Kerala, India
JUL 06 Diocese of East Tennessee, USA
JUL 07 Diocese of East Himalayas, India
JUL 08 Diocese of Michigan, USA
JUL 09 Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador.
JUL 03 Alan Peters
JUL 10 Liz Quinlan
JUL 17 Ken Fraser
JUL 24 Jean Colwell
JUL 31 Kyle Willis.
JUL 03 Put your name here
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 03 Father Maurice
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 31 Put your name here.
JUL 04 Mildred Leighton
JUL 12 Grace Li
JUL 25 Norma Cunliffe
JUL 26 Jordon Milburn-Tai
JUL 29 Gwen Kingston
JUL 30 Joan Miles
JUL 31 Brendon Milburn-Tai.
JUL 19 Bruno & Angela Biscaro. Marriage Anniv.
JUL 19 Victoria Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUL 30 Oliver Emo, Baptismal Anniversary.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Here are few humourous from signs.
From the menu of a Swiss restaurant: "Our wines leave you nothing to hope for."
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: Just married few months ago. Sits at the back and always smiling. So, who is our person of July? Let us know during the coffee hour.
PRECIOUS PEOPLE: The diocese of Toronto and the Church of St. Paul, Runnymede, regret the difficulties caused by the bankruptcy of Precious People Day Care. We are not responsible for the operation of the Day Care as the Day Care was only a tenant on the premises, and was not affiliated with us in any way. We understand the frustration felt by the parents. However, please refrain from calling the Diocese of Toronto or St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede as we are not involved with the Day Care or the Ministry and cannot offer any assistance. Our prayers are with all the community. Thank you very much,
The Wardens and the Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede.
June 29, 2011.
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
NOV 25-26 Diocesan Synod
DEC 18 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Liz Quinlan was great as coordinator for our Strawberry Social 2011. |
The smeel of the amazing strawberry was the gran temptation to everybody's palate. |
Bev is buying strawberries to go for a great price, while Kay smile during the transaction. |
Ken Fraser ate strawberries with devotion and his smile and face can say the rest. |
Kinsgley Iloabochie & Mary Novak posing to our camera while the bowl with strawberries disappear in seconds. |
The beautiful Mary Iloabachie smile with style with her fancy summer blouse. |
Kingsley & Mary Iloabachie the newly married couple at St. Paul's, Runnymede. |
Of course, children were fascinated with the Strawberry Social while they were playing with new friends. |
Friday, June 24, 2011
Join us and enjoy one of the nicest
season fruit, strawberry!!!.
This Sunday, June 26 after our Sunday Service
outdoors if weather permitting or indoor is rain.
$ 6 adults, $ 3 children, $12 family.
We will sale prepared strawberries to take out.
Please, bring your own 450 gr. container
(margarine, ricotta, yougurt)
to take a delicious dessert to home.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Week of June 26 to July 2, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 26th @ 10:30 AM
Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Presider: Father Phil
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Jean Colwell
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Betty Morgan & Mary Novak
Hymns: 441, 394, 24 & 505.
Rite: BCP
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 29th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Durhma, England. Liturgical Colour: Red. Saint Peter & Saint Paul. Patronal Feast. Readings: Ezekiel 34: 11-16; Psalm 87; 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 & St. John 21: 15-19. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Olga Piedrahita, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all students and school teachers and for the end of the school year.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 2011: Join us and enjoy one of the nicest season fruit, strawberry!!!. This Sunday, June 26 after our Sunday Service outdoors if weather permitting or indoor is rain. $ 6 adults, $ 3 children, $12 family. We will sale prepared strawberries to take out. Please, bring your own 450 gr. container (margarine, ricotta, yougurt) to take a delicious dessert to home.
JUN 26 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 27 Meeting with Bishop Poole
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 01 Canada Day.
JUL 03 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 07 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 10 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 14 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 17 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 21 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 24 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 28 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 31 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am.
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c.540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 84% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this noble initiative. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 26 Diocese of Dublin, Ireland
JUN 27 Diocese of Dunedin, New Zealand
JUN 28 Diocese of Durgapur, India
JUN 29 Diocese of Durham, England
JUN 30 Diocese of Dutse, Nigeria
JUN 31 Diocese of East Ankole, Uganda
JUN 01 Diocese of East Carolina, USA.
JUN 26 Jean Colwell
JUL 03 Alan Peters
JUL 10 Liz Quinlan
JUL 17 Ken Fraser
JUL 24 Jean Colwell
JUN 31 Kyle Willis.
JUN 26 Put your name here
JUL 03 Put your name here
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 31 Put your name here.
WELCOME MARY!!!! We welcome Mary, the beautiful wife of Kingsley Iloboache. She is very smily and friendly. We are happy to have you in our community with Kinsgley.
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUL 04 Mildred Leighton
JUL 12 Grace Li
JUL 25 Norma Cunliffe
JUL 26 Jordon Milburn-Tai
JUL 29 Gwen Kingston
JUL 30 Joan Miles
JUL 31 Brendon Milburn-Tai.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
JUN 29 Father Maurice, 12th Anniv. of Ordination
JUL 19 Bruno & Angela Biscaro. Marriage Anniv.
JUL 19 Victoria Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUL 30 Oliver Emo, Baptismal Anniversary.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Ultimely Answered Prayer. "During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing? Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and God did!"
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
PRECIOUS PEOPLE: We announce that one of our tenants, Precious People is no longer in business (bankrupticy). They will stay in our building until the end of June. We are in conversations with other Day-Care business interested to rent from us the same space. We will keep you posted.
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 18 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 26th @ 10:30 AM
Second Sunday after Pentecost.
Presider: Father Phil
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Jean Colwell
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Betty Morgan & Mary Novak
Hymns: 441, 394, 24 & 505.
Rite: BCP
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 29th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Durhma, England. Liturgical Colour: Red. Saint Peter & Saint Paul. Patronal Feast. Readings: Ezekiel 34: 11-16; Psalm 87; 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 & St. John 21: 15-19. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Olga Piedrahita, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all students and school teachers and for the end of the school year.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 2011: Join us and enjoy one of the nicest season fruit, strawberry!!!. This Sunday, June 26 after our Sunday Service outdoors if weather permitting or indoor is rain. $ 6 adults, $ 3 children, $12 family. We will sale prepared strawberries to take out. Please, bring your own 450 gr. container (margarine, ricotta, yougurt) to take a delicious dessert to home.
JUN 26 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 27 Meeting with Bishop Poole
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 01 Canada Day.
JUL 03 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 07 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 10 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 14 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 17 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 21 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 24 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 28 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 31 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am.
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c.540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 84% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this noble initiative. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 26 Diocese of Dublin, Ireland
JUN 27 Diocese of Dunedin, New Zealand
JUN 28 Diocese of Durgapur, India
JUN 29 Diocese of Durham, England
JUN 30 Diocese of Dutse, Nigeria
JUN 31 Diocese of East Ankole, Uganda
JUN 01 Diocese of East Carolina, USA.
JUN 26 Jean Colwell
JUL 03 Alan Peters
JUL 10 Liz Quinlan
JUL 17 Ken Fraser
JUL 24 Jean Colwell
JUN 31 Kyle Willis.
JUN 26 Put your name here
JUL 03 Put your name here
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 31 Put your name here.
WELCOME MARY!!!! We welcome Mary, the beautiful wife of Kingsley Iloboache. She is very smily and friendly. We are happy to have you in our community with Kinsgley.
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUL 04 Mildred Leighton
JUL 12 Grace Li
JUL 25 Norma Cunliffe
JUL 26 Jordon Milburn-Tai
JUL 29 Gwen Kingston
JUL 30 Joan Miles
JUL 31 Brendon Milburn-Tai.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
JUN 29 Father Maurice, 12th Anniv. of Ordination
JUL 19 Bruno & Angela Biscaro. Marriage Anniv.
JUL 19 Victoria Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUL 30 Oliver Emo, Baptismal Anniversary.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Ultimely Answered Prayer. "During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing? Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and God did!"
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
PRECIOUS PEOPLE: We announce that one of our tenants, Precious People is no longer in business (bankrupticy). They will stay in our building until the end of June. We are in conversations with other Day-Care business interested to rent from us the same space. We will keep you posted.
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 18 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Week of June 19 to 25, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Trinity Sunday and
Father's Day.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 19th @ 10:30 AM
Trinity Sunday and Father's Day
Presider: Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Phil
Lay Reader: Radika Fraser
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Liz Quinlan & Anne Ferrugia
Hymns: 1, 256, 355 & 436
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 22th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Dogura, Papua New Guinea. Liturgical Colour: Red. Saint Alban. Readings: Wisdom 3: 1-9; Psalm 63: 1-8 & St. Matthew 10: 40-42. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Olga Piedrahita, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all students and school teachers and for the end of the school year.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
PENTECOST 2011: We thanks to everybody who was able to attend the Pentecost Sunday at High Park last Sunday, June 12th. Special thanks to Brian & Marleen Beech; David, Emma and Ben Borsa and Mary Novak. The people of The Church of The Holy Trinity & Parroquia San Esteban enjoyed this unique and creative celebration with us. See pictures below.
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 2011: Join us and enjoy one of the nicest season fruit, strawberry!!!. Sunday, June 26 after our Sunday Service outdoors if weather permitting or indoor is rain. $ 6 adults, $ 3 children, $12 family. We are looking for volunteers to set up the event. Please, contact Liz Quinlan at coffee time. Thank you very much for your involvement.
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Meeting with Archdeacon Fenty @ 3:30 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 27 Meeting with Bishop Poole
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 01 Canada Day.
JUL 03 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 07 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 10 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 14 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 17 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 21 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 24 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 28 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 31 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am.
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c.540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 84% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this noble initiative. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 19 Diocese of Free State, South Africa
JUN 20 Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong
JUN 21 Diocese of Coast, Nigeria
JUN 22 Diocese of Dogura, Papua New Guinea
JUN 23 Diocese of Dominican Republic
JUN 24 Diocese of Dornakal, India
JUN 25 Diocese of Dow & Dromore, Ireland.
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 19 Brian Beech x his father Austen Beech
JUN 26 Put your name here
JUL 03 Put your name here
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 31 Put your name here.
WELCOME MARY!!!! We welcome Mary, the beautiful fiancee of Kingsley Iloboache. She is very smily and friendly. We are happy to have you in our community with Kinsgley.
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
JUN 29 Father Maurice, 12th Anniv. of Ordination.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Ultimely Answered Prayer. "During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing? Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and God did!"
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 18 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Trinity Sunday and
Father's Day.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 19th @ 10:30 AM
Trinity Sunday and Father's Day
Presider: Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Phil
Lay Reader: Radika Fraser
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Liz Quinlan & Anne Ferrugia
Hymns: 1, 256, 355 & 436
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 22th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Dogura, Papua New Guinea. Liturgical Colour: Red. Saint Alban. Readings: Wisdom 3: 1-9; Psalm 63: 1-8 & St. Matthew 10: 40-42. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Olga Piedrahita, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For all students and school teachers and for the end of the school year.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
PENTECOST 2011: We thanks to everybody who was able to attend the Pentecost Sunday at High Park last Sunday, June 12th. Special thanks to Brian & Marleen Beech; David, Emma and Ben Borsa and Mary Novak. The people of The Church of The Holy Trinity & Parroquia San Esteban enjoyed this unique and creative celebration with us. See pictures below.
STRAWBERRY SOCIAL 2011: Join us and enjoy one of the nicest season fruit, strawberry!!!. Sunday, June 26 after our Sunday Service outdoors if weather permitting or indoor is rain. $ 6 adults, $ 3 children, $12 family. We are looking for volunteers to set up the event. Please, contact Liz Quinlan at coffee time. Thank you very much for your involvement.
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Meeting with Archdeacon Fenty @ 3:30 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 27 Meeting with Bishop Poole
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 01 Canada Day.
JUL 03 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 07 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 10 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 14 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 17 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 21 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 24 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
JUL 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUL 28 Visits to O'Neill Centre
JUL 31 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am.
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
JUL 03 Saint Thomas the Apostle
JUL 06 Thomas More, 1535
JUL 11 Benedict of Nursia, Abbot, c.540
JUL 13 Henry, Missionary Bishop in Finland, 1150
JUL 22 Saint Mary Magdalene
JUL 25 Saint James the Apostle
JUL 26 Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
JUL 29 William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, 1833.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 84% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this noble initiative. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 19 Diocese of Free State, South Africa
JUN 20 Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong
JUN 21 Diocese of Coast, Nigeria
JUN 22 Diocese of Dogura, Papua New Guinea
JUN 23 Diocese of Dominican Republic
JUN 24 Diocese of Dornakal, India
JUN 25 Diocese of Dow & Dromore, Ireland.
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 19 Brian Beech x his father Austen Beech
JUN 26 Put your name here
JUL 03 Put your name here
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice
JUL 10 Put your name here
JUL 17 Put your name here
JUL 24 Put your name here
JUL 31 Put your name here.
WELCOME MARY!!!! We welcome Mary, the beautiful fiancee of Kingsley Iloboache. She is very smily and friendly. We are happy to have you in our community with Kinsgley.
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
JUN 29 Father Maurice, 12th Anniv. of Ordination.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Ultimely Answered Prayer. "During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing? Tommy answered soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and God did!"
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 18 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Sunday
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
French village seen at threat
from Apocalypse sects
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The tiny village of Bugarach, France |
PARIS (Reuters) - The tiny southern French hamlet of Bugarach has drawn scrutiny from a government sect watchdog over droves of visitors who believe it is the only place in the world that will survive a 2012 Apocalypse.
A report by the watchdog, Miviludes, published on Wednesday said the picturesque village near Carcassonne should be monitored in the run-up to December 21, 2012, when many believe the world will end according to an ancient Mayan prophecy.
Miviludes was set up in 2002 to track the activity of sects, after a law passed the previous year made it an offence to abuse vulnerable people using heavy pressure techniques, meaning sects can be outlawed if there is evidence of fraud or abuse.
Surrounded in legend for centuries, Bugarach and its rocky outcrop, the Pic de Bugarach, have attracted an influx of New Age visitors in recent months, pushing up property prices but also raising the threat of financial scams and psychological manipulation, Miviludes said in its report.
"I think we need to be careful. We shouldn't get paranoid, but when you see what happened at Waco in the United States, we know this kind of thinking can influence vulnerable people," Miviludes president Georges Fenech told Reuters.
Waco, Texas, made headlines in 1993 when federal agents raided the headquarters of the Branch Davidian movement, led by David Koresh, leading to a 50-day siege.
.The building was burnt down when agents eventually tried to force their way in, leaving some 80 people dead.
Bugarach, with a population of just 200, has long been considered magical, partly due to what locals claim is an "upside-down mountain" where the top layers of rock are older than the lower ones.
The Internet is awash with myths about the place -- that the mountain is surrounded by a magnetic force, that it is the site of a concealed alien base, or even that it contains an underground access to another world.
And now many have seized on it as the ultimate refuge with Doomsday rapidly approaching.
Alerted to an influx of visitors by the mayor of Bugarach, Fenech said he recently visited the area, and found six settlements in the surrounding countryside set up by members of the American Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
Other "gurus" and messianic groups have been organising fee-paying conferences at local hotels, according to Fenech. "This is big business," he told Reuters.
Aside from the risks in Bugarach, the Miviludes report also warned of the danger of increased activity by Apocalyptic groups across France in the run-up to 2012, particularly in the wake of recent disasters which could be interpreted as omens.
Climate and environmental fears, anxiety over pandemics after the 2009 swine flu outbreak, and the earthquake disaster in Japan are all reinforcing the idea of the Mayan calendar, Fenech said.
Among the groups highlighted in the report, the Ramtha movement is said to be focussing on southwestern France to spread its message, the report said.
Founded by J.Z. Knight, the group claims to follow the mystic teachings of Ramtha, a Lemurean warrior who fought the residents of the mythical Atlantis 35,000 years ago, and is said to have discovered the secret of immortality.
Other groups being watched include the Raelians, founded by a former sports-car journalist who claims to have had repeated encounters with aliens.
The report says its aim is not to stigmatise movements but to inform the public about "groups or individuals whose doctrine or discourse follows an "end-of-world" theory."
(Editing by Paul Casciato)
A report by the watchdog, Miviludes, published on Wednesday said the picturesque village near Carcassonne should be monitored in the run-up to December 21, 2012, when many believe the world will end according to an ancient Mayan prophecy.
Miviludes was set up in 2002 to track the activity of sects, after a law passed the previous year made it an offence to abuse vulnerable people using heavy pressure techniques, meaning sects can be outlawed if there is evidence of fraud or abuse.
Surrounded in legend for centuries, Bugarach and its rocky outcrop, the Pic de Bugarach, have attracted an influx of New Age visitors in recent months, pushing up property prices but also raising the threat of financial scams and psychological manipulation, Miviludes said in its report.
"I think we need to be careful. We shouldn't get paranoid, but when you see what happened at Waco in the United States, we know this kind of thinking can influence vulnerable people," Miviludes president Georges Fenech told Reuters.
Waco, Texas, made headlines in 1993 when federal agents raided the headquarters of the Branch Davidian movement, led by David Koresh, leading to a 50-day siege.
.The building was burnt down when agents eventually tried to force their way in, leaving some 80 people dead.
Bugarach, with a population of just 200, has long been considered magical, partly due to what locals claim is an "upside-down mountain" where the top layers of rock are older than the lower ones.
The Internet is awash with myths about the place -- that the mountain is surrounded by a magnetic force, that it is the site of a concealed alien base, or even that it contains an underground access to another world.
And now many have seized on it as the ultimate refuge with Doomsday rapidly approaching.
Alerted to an influx of visitors by the mayor of Bugarach, Fenech said he recently visited the area, and found six settlements in the surrounding countryside set up by members of the American Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
Other "gurus" and messianic groups have been organising fee-paying conferences at local hotels, according to Fenech. "This is big business," he told Reuters.
Aside from the risks in Bugarach, the Miviludes report also warned of the danger of increased activity by Apocalyptic groups across France in the run-up to 2012, particularly in the wake of recent disasters which could be interpreted as omens.
Climate and environmental fears, anxiety over pandemics after the 2009 swine flu outbreak, and the earthquake disaster in Japan are all reinforcing the idea of the Mayan calendar, Fenech said.
Among the groups highlighted in the report, the Ramtha movement is said to be focussing on southwestern France to spread its message, the report said.
Founded by J.Z. Knight, the group claims to follow the mystic teachings of Ramtha, a Lemurean warrior who fought the residents of the mythical Atlantis 35,000 years ago, and is said to have discovered the secret of immortality.
Other groups being watched include the Raelians, founded by a former sports-car journalist who claims to have had repeated encounters with aliens.
The report says its aim is not to stigmatise movements but to inform the public about "groups or individuals whose doctrine or discourse follows an "end-of-world" theory."
(Editing by Paul Casciato)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday, June 12th, 2011
Celebration of three congregations
The Church of the Holy Trinity
Parroquia San Esteban and
St. Paul's Church, Runnymede.
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The majority was wearing red, orange or yellow. The sign of Area 26 become like a Totem to identify our location of Pentecost. |
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The Pentecost Service was under kiosk and and the liturgy was creative, bilingual and cheerful. . |
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Can you see Shirley at the end of the table? When everybody contributes with food there is always abundance. . |
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Brian Beech worked very hard as usual serving and working. St. Paul's make the difference of this event with the contribution of two BBQ stations. . |
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Marleen & Brian Beecha and Ben Borsa worked non-stop preparing veggan and classic burgers as well sausages for hot dogs for almost 80 people. |
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Mary Novak and Norah Heater enjoying the Pentecost BBQ under a spring sun. Norah really enjoyed the creative liturgy and she hopes that we can includes that in our own parish. |
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Week June 12 t0 18, 2011
Week of June 12 to 18, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Pentecost Sunday.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am. at High Park
Here some news to share with you:
JUNE 12th @ 10:30 AM
Pentecost Sunday
Special Service at High Park
with The Church of the Holy Trinity,
Parroquia San Esteban and
St. Paul's Church, Runnymede,
followed by picnic & games.
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 15th @ 10 am. We pray for the Church of Burma. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11; Psalm 112: 1-9 & St. Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For PWRDF ministry to all those in need.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
Visit our web page
or our blog
PENTECOST 2011: This Sundays, it is Pentecost Sunday. There is an invitation from The Church of the Holy Trinity and the Spanish Congregation of San Esteban to our parish to celebrate Pentecost together. A Sunday Service, Picnic and games at High Park will be held. A big gazibo at Area # 26 of the park was already reserved.
JUN 12 Pentecost Service & Picnic @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 13 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
JUN 15 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am.
JUN 16 Joseph Butler, Bishop of Burham, 1752
JUN 18 Bernard Mizeki, Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 80% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this nobel initiative. Please, visit the news board outside of the lounge to see complete information about this campaign. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 12 Diocese of Derby, England
JUN 13 Diocese of Derry, Ireland
JUN 14 Diocese of Dhaka, Balngladesh
JUN 15 The Church of Burma
JUN 16 Diocese in Europe, Church of England
JUN 17 Diocese of Easterm Kowloon, Hong Kong
JUN 18 Diocese of Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong.
JUN 12 Elizabeth Quinlan @ High Park
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Put your name here
JUN 26 Put your name here.
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice.
JUN 12 Erin Duffin
JUN 17 Hannah Stankiewicz
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Some amusing literary insults: "Even Napoleon had his Watergate." Yogi Berra.
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Day, Sunday @ 10:30 am
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Week of June 12 to 18, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Pentecost Sunday.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am. at High Park
Here some news to share with you:
JUNE 12th @ 10:30 AM
Pentecost Sunday
Special Service at High Park
with The Church of the Holy Trinity,
Parroquia San Esteban and
St. Paul's Church, Runnymede,
followed by picnic & games.
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 15th @ 10 am. We pray for the Church of Burma. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11; Psalm 112: 1-9 & St. Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18. We are offering a series of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Margaret Lyons, Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's. Edward Bielaski, Marina Garcia and Giorgios Christopoulos.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For PWRDF ministry to all those in need.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
Visit our web page
or our blog
PENTECOST 2011: This Sundays, it is Pentecost Sunday. There is an invitation from The Church of the Holy Trinity and the Spanish Congregation of San Esteban to our parish to celebrate Pentecost together. A Sunday Service, Picnic and games at High Park will be held. A big gazibo at Area # 26 of the park was already reserved.
JUN 12 Pentecost Service & Picnic @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 13 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
JUN 15 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am.
JUN 16 Joseph Butler, Bishop of Burham, 1752
JUN 18 Bernard Mizeki, Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 80% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this nobel initiative. Please, visit the news board outside of the lounge to see complete information about this campaign. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 12 Diocese of Derby, England
JUN 13 Diocese of Derry, Ireland
JUN 14 Diocese of Dhaka, Balngladesh
JUN 15 The Church of Burma
JUN 16 Diocese in Europe, Church of England
JUN 17 Diocese of Easterm Kowloon, Hong Kong
JUN 18 Diocese of Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong.
JUN 12 Elizabeth Quinlan @ High Park
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Put your name here
JUN 26 Put your name here.
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice.
JUN 12 Erin Duffin
JUN 17 Hannah Stankiewicz
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Some amusing literary insults: "Even Napoleon had his Watergate." Yogi Berra.
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Day, Sunday @ 10:30 am
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sunday, June 12th, 2011 @ 10:30 am
Three congregations. One Spirit!!!!
The Church of the Holy Trinity,
Parroquia San Esteban and
St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede.
10:30 am Pentecost Service
12:00 pm Picnic
01:30 pm Games and Activities
ABOUT THE FOOD. The congregations will offer you:
1. Hamburgers & Sausages (classic & veggan)
2. Mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard
3. Bread for hamburguers and hot dogs.
1. Juice, water or pop
2. Veggies & fruits (ready to eat)
3. Thermos with coffee or tea
4. Any other food of your preference
1. Please wear clothes in red, orange or yellow
2. Comfortable clothes and shoes
3. Sunblock and/or repellent
4. Frisbee, balls, games
5. A lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Sunday, June 12th, 2011 @ 10:30 am
Three congregations. One Spirit!!!!
The Church of the Holy Trinity,
Parroquia San Esteban and
St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede.
10:30 am Pentecost Service
12:00 pm Picnic
01:30 pm Games and Activities
ABOUT THE FOOD. The congregations will offer you:
1. Hamburgers & Sausages (classic & veggan)
2. Mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard
3. Bread for hamburguers and hot dogs.
1. Juice, water or pop
2. Veggies & fruits (ready to eat)
3. Thermos with coffee or tea
4. Any other food of your preference
1. Please wear clothes in red, orange or yellow
2. Comfortable clothes and shoes
3. Sunblock and/or repellent
4. Frisbee, balls, games
5. A lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Sunday, June 12th, 2011 @ 10:30 am
Three congregations and One Spirit.
The Church of the Holy Trinity,
Parroquia San Esteban, and
St. Paul's Church, Runnymede
will celebrate the diversity of Pentecost.
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Parkside Drive and High Park Boulevard Entrance. |
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Check for this sign, our location will be here. SIGN 26. |
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Kiosk reserved for our Pentecost 2011. 10 mt x 6 mt. |
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Kiosk, tables and benches can be moved for multiuse purposes. |
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Playground near Area 26. |
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Parking lot close to Area 26. |
Week June 5 to 11, 2011
Week of June 5 to 11, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Seventh Sunday of Easter and
the Holy Baptism of
Jordon and Nicholas Milburn-Tai.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 5th @ 10:30 AM
Seventh Sunday of Easter and the
Holy Baptism of
Jordon & Nicholas Milburn-Tai.
Presider of Baptism: Father Maurice
Presider of Holy Eucharist: Father Phil
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Harlan Lunn
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Colleen Milburn & Jean Coldwell
Hymns: 3, 497, 374 & 379
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 1st @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Mexico City, Mexico. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: Acts 20: 28-38; Psalm 68: 28-36 & St. John 17: 11b-19. We started a cycle of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For the diocesan chaplaincy services at hospitals and jails in GTA.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
Visit our web page
or our blog
PENTECOST 2011: In two more Sundays, it is Pentecost Sunday. There is an invitation from The Church of the Holy Trinity and the Spanish Congregation of San Esteban, to celebrate Pentecost together a Sunday Service, Picnic and games at High Park. A big gazibo at Area # 26 of the park was already reserved. More information and maps available at the entrance and coffee time.
JUN 05 Baptisms of Jordan and Nicholas Milburn-Tai
JUN 05 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10;30 am
JUN Postulancy Committee from 9 am to 3 pm
JUN 08 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 08 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
JUN 12 Pentecost Service & Picnic @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 13 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
JUN 15 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am.
JUN 05 Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Martyr, 754
JUN 06 William Grant Broughton, Bishop in Australia, 1853
JUN 09 Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597
JUN 11 Saint Barnabas the Apostle
JUN 16 Joseph Butler, Bishop of Burham, 1752
JUN 18 Bernard Mizeki, Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 80% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this nobel initiative. Please, visit the news board outside of the lounge to see complete information about this campaign. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 05 Diocese of Daejon, Korea
JUN 06 Diocese of Dallas, USA
JUN 07 Diocese of Damaturu, Nigeria
JUN 08 Anglican Church of Mexico
JUN 09 Diocese of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
JUN 10 Diocese of Delaware, USA
JUN 11 Diocese of Delhi, India.
JUN 05 Harlan Lunn
JUN 12 Elizabeth Quinlan
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 05 Anne Ferrugia x Ileen Dudek
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Put your name here
JUN 26 Put your name here.
JUN 05 Colleen Milburn
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice.
JUN 01 Emma Borsa
JUN 01 Cathy Hunt
JUN 04 Joshua Coroa
JUN 10 Betty Morgan
JUN 12 Erin Duffin
JUN 17 Hannah Stankiewicz
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 04 Liam Mathers, Baptismal Anniversary
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Some amusing literary insults: "Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in the swimmingpool? George Carlin
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 12 Pentecost Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
JUL 21 Summer BBQ
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Pageant.
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Week of June 5 to 11, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Seventh Sunday of Easter and
the Holy Baptism of
Jordon and Nicholas Milburn-Tai.
Join us a as community to worship and
proclaim an inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
Here is some news to share with you:
JUNE 5th @ 10:30 AM
Seventh Sunday of Easter and the
Holy Baptism of
Jordon & Nicholas Milburn-Tai.
Presider of Baptism: Father Maurice
Presider of Holy Eucharist: Father Phil
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Harlan Lunn
Sidepeople for June:
Betty Morgan & Kingsley Iloabachie
Chancel Guild:
Colleen Milburn & Jean Coldwell
Hymns: 3, 497, 374 & 379
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, June 1st @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Mexico City, Mexico. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: Acts 20: 28-38; Psalm 68: 28-36 & St. John 17: 11b-19. We started a cycle of studies on Liturgy & Symbolism. Join us and let us learn a discover the mysteries of liturgy.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lucho Bernabe, Maureen Curtin, Rob Blair, Tim Shields, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen y Monica Edwards, Regina Jawrosky, Norma Cunliffe, Joan Wylie, Isabel Gonzalez, Maria Lobos & Eunice Garcia.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Ciro Castillo.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad, victims of accidents, terrorism, fanaticism, and natural disasters in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Colombia.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For the diocesan chaplaincy services at hospitals and jails in GTA.
Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
Visit our web page
or our blog
PENTECOST 2011: In two more Sundays, it is Pentecost Sunday. There is an invitation from The Church of the Holy Trinity and the Spanish Congregation of San Esteban, to celebrate Pentecost together a Sunday Service, Picnic and games at High Park. A big gazibo at Area # 26 of the park was already reserved. More information and maps available at the entrance and coffee time.
JUN 05 Baptisms of Jordan and Nicholas Milburn-Tai
JUN 05 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10;30 am
JUN Postulancy Committee from 9 am to 3 pm
JUN 08 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 08 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
JUN 12 Pentecost Service & Picnic @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 13 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
JUN 15 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 19 Sunday Service & Holy Eucharist @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
JUN 21 Ethnic Ministries meeting @ 5 pm
JUN 22 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
JUN 26 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
JUN 26 Strawberry Social after Sunday Service
JUN 29 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am.
JUN 05 Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Martyr, 754
JUN 06 William Grant Broughton, Bishop in Australia, 1853
JUN 09 Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597
JUN 11 Saint Barnabas the Apostle
JUN 16 Joseph Butler, Bishop of Burham, 1752
JUN 18 Bernard Mizeki, Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896
JUN 22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
JUN 24 The Birth of Saint John the Baptist
JUN 28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
JUN 29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: We are happy to announce that after three weeks since we started the diocesan capital campaign, our parish reached 80% of the total goal. We are confident that we will continuing with this nobel initiative. Please, visit the news board outside of the lounge to see complete information about this campaign. On behalf of the diocese and the Archbishop Colin Johnson, thank you!
JUN 05 Diocese of Daejon, Korea
JUN 06 Diocese of Dallas, USA
JUN 07 Diocese of Damaturu, Nigeria
JUN 08 Anglican Church of Mexico
JUN 09 Diocese of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
JUN 10 Diocese of Delaware, USA
JUN 11 Diocese of Delhi, India.
JUN 05 Harlan Lunn
JUN 12 Elizabeth Quinlan
JUN 19 Radika Fraser
JUN 26 Jean Colwell.
JUN 05 Anne Ferrugia x Ileen Dudek
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Put your name here
JUN 26 Put your name here.
JUN 05 Colleen Milburn
JUN 12 Pentecost at High Park
JUN 19 Mary & Kingsley Iloboache
JUN 26 Strawberry Social (Liz, coordinates)
JUL 03 Father Maurice.
JUN 01 Emma Borsa
JUN 01 Cathy Hunt
JUN 04 Joshua Coroa
JUN 10 Betty Morgan
JUN 12 Erin Duffin
JUN 17 Hannah Stankiewicz
JUN 25 Gabrielle Buckley
JUN 27 Braden Buckley
JUN 28 Win Burchier
JUN 04 Liam Mathers, Baptismal Anniversary
JUN 20 Karol Jamrich, Memorial Anniversary
JUN 25 Brendon Milburn-Tai, Baptismal Anniv.
JUN 26 Andrew & Wendy Gardner, Marriage Anniv.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank that we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Some amusing literary insults: "Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in the swimmingpool? George Carlin
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: This month is her birthday. Drives long distance to be on Sunday on the south side pews at the front. Always smiling. So, who is our person of June? Let us know during the coffee hour.
JUN 12 Pentecost Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 19 Father's Day
JUN 26 Strawberry Social
JUL 21 Summer BBQ
SEP 11 Roast Corn Festival
SEP 25 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 06 Remembrace Sunday
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Pageant.
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am and our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
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