Week of November 29 to December 6, 2015
First Sunday of Advent
Presider: Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Maurice
Reader: Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Colleen Milburn & Mary Novak
Sidepeople for Nov 29 & DEC 06
Radika Fraser
Hymns: 114, 108, 89 & 594
Communion Hymn: 96
Rite: BAS
READINGS for SUNDAY: The readings for this Sunday are: 2 Samuel 23: 1-7; Psalm 132: 1-13; Revelation 1: 4b-8 & St. John 19: 33-37
WEDNESDAY STUDY: Join us for studies every Wednesday @ 10 am am at the Lady Chapel. We started a series of studies on The Book of Revelation". Liturgical Colour: Blue. The readings for Wednesday, November 25th are: Isaiah 25: 6-9; Psalm 23 & St. Matthew 15: 29-39.
NOV 29 Dedicate here
DEC 06 Dedicate here
DEC 13 For Daniel Francois by Fr. Maurice
DEC 20 Christmas dedicate Flowers, book with Marg or Shirley
DEC 27 Christmas dedicated flowers.
NOV 29 Harlan Lunn
DEC 13 Colleen Milburn
DEC 20 Brian Beech
DEC 27 Harlan Lunn
For those who are travelling.
For those who are sick: Lucky Gairey, Ramon Hernandez, Bernard Couturier, Dennis Trimble, Eli Besso, Donald Wright, Jerry McCarthy, Shirley Buckley, Sharon Kotren, Samir Velasco, Tom Walpole, Paula & Gregory Lunn, Derek & Beryl Oram, Bev Weir, Ysol Pino, Roy Coward, Patricia Howell, Carl Jablonsky, Anne Marie Gutierrez, Mark Richardson, Don Sloane, Nick Shields, Kay Karbownik, Bill Stahlbaum, Connie McGee, Susan Pratten, Willma, Elise Cullum, Dolly Borsa, Bary Beech & Marg Sills.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
For those who are in need: For Hilda Hernandez, migrants, asylum seekers and refugee people around the world. For the vulnerable population and for Christian communities in Iraq, Syria, China, Middle East, Nigeria and South Sudan. For the Canadian Forces abroad, and for those who are in captivity due their faith, gender, race, language or sexual orientation.
For those who passes away: For all beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St.Paul's: Victims of the terrorist attack in Paris, France and Beirut, Lebanon and Bamako, Mali. Marlene Small, Peter Drobny and Maria Ines Bertucci. And for all refugees killed by the Islamic State and for those innocent victims killed in conflict among nations, terrorism and organized crime.
Our Thanksgiving prayer for: The Children's Ministry and volunteers of our parish.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
Diocese of West Malaysia in South East Asia
West Missouri in US
West Tennessee in US
West Texas in US
West Virginia in US
Western Izon in Nigeria
and for the Diocese of Western Kansas in US
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
For organizations and people protecting animals,
forests and other naturals resources.
For more education on environment,
especially the negative impact from industries.
For more policies to protect endangered species
such whales, turtles and polar bears.
To stop hunting camps and safaris.
For more UN's restrictions over Japan, Norway
& Iceland's what hunting.
For more campaigns to stop the fur industry.
For the increase of bees and monarch butterfly
population around the world.
For Anita Krajnc, activist of Toronto Pig Save.
For the pets of our community:
For Scalliwag (Bailey) RIP
For 5 new white lions born at Toronto Zoo
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
NOV 29 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
NOV 29 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteba
DEC 01 Pastoral Counselling @ 11 am
DEC 01 Clericus @ St.James' Cathedral @ 1:30 pm
DEC 02 Refugee Comittee HT @ 5:45 pm
DEC 02 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
DEC 02 Choir Rehearsal from 7 to 9 pm
DEC 03 Italian Mass @ 10 am. St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 04 Pastoral Counselling @ 10 am
DEC 06 Parish Anniversary # 106
DEC 06 Episcopal Visit
DEC 06 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
DEC 06 Confirmation and Re-Affirmations @ 1-:30 am
DEC 07 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
DEC 08 Clericus @ St.Thomas @ 12:15 pm
DEC 09 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
DEC 09 Choir Rehearsal from7 to 9 pm
DEC 10 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 10 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
DEC 13 Sunday Service & Children's Focus @ 10:30 am
DEC 13 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
DEC 15 Carolling @ 6:30 pm
DEC 15 A Christmas Carol Play @ 7 pm
DEC 16 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
DEC 16 Clericus meeting @ 6 pm
DEC 17 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 20 Carols & Lessons & Christmas Pageant @ 10 am
DEC 20 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
DEC 21 Pastoral Counselling @ 11 am
DEC 23 Wednesday Study & HE Cancelled
DEC 24 Italian Christmas Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 8:30 Parroquia San Esteban
DEC 27 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 27 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
DEC 30 Wednesday Study & HE Cancelled
DEC 31 Portuguese Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
NOV 30 Saint Andrew the Apostle (see above)
DEC 03 Francis Xaver, Missionary, 1552
DEC 04 Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637
DEC 05 Clement of Alexandria, Priest, c. 210
DEC 06 Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 342
DEC 07 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397
DEC 08 The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
DEC 09 Prophets of the Old Testament
DEC 25 The Birth of the Lord; Christmas Day
DEC 26 Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr
DEC 27 Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist
DEC 28 The Holy Innocents
DEC 29 Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1170
DEC 31 John West, Missionary, 1845.
NOV 29 Colleen Milburn & Mary Novak
DEC 06 Betty Morgan & Anne Farrugia
DEC 13 Radika Fraser
DEC 20 Colleen Milburn & Katharine Schwartz
DEC 24 Margaret Lyons & Mary Novka
DEC 27 Colleen Milburn & Jean Colwell
JAN 03 Betty Morgan & Titi Fayoda
JAN 10 Margaret Lyons & Radika-Kay
A minisyry of welcoming and hospitality. Join us! Be a channel of blessing on Sundays. Thank you for signing up on the calendar located at the news board in the hallway outside of the lounge. Please, coordinate with Kay karbownik, our Sidepeople's Chair.
NOV 29 - DEC 06 Radika Fraser
DEC 13 - DEC 20 Margaret Lyons
DEC 27 - JAN 03 Put your name here.
NOV 29 Put your name here
DEC 06 Community contributions
DEC 13 Put your name here
DEC 20 Fr. Maurice & Mark Richardson
DEC 27 Put your name here.
DEC 01 Betty Cowling, Memorial Anniversary
DEC 03 Adele Marie Evans, Baptismal Anniversary
DEC 05 St.Paul's Church, Parish Anniversary
DEC 08 Shirley & Bruce Buckley, Marriage Anniversary
DEC 12 Isidore Gaitskell, Baptismal Anniversary
DEC 14 Cahrlotte Astley, Baptismal Anniversary
DEC 22 Wilf Hilton, Memorial Anniversary
DEC 24 Jack Lyons, Memorial Anniversary
DEC 30 The Rev'd Roland de Corneille, Memorial Anniversary
DEC 01 World AIDS Day
DEC 05 St. Paul's Parish Anniversary # 106 @ 10:30 am
DEC 15 Community Caroling @ 6:30 pm
DEC 15 A Christmas Carol Play @ 7 pm
DEC 20 Lessons & Carols @ 10:30 am
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm
JAN 17-24 Week of Prayers for Christian Unity
JAN 24 Ecumenical Service 3 pm.
FEB 09 Pancake Supper from 5 to 7:30 pm
FEB 10 Ash Wednesday Service @ 10 am
FEB 21 Baden Powel Sunday @ 10:30 am
FEB 28 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 05 World Day of Prayer
MAR 24-APR 05 Holy Week
MAR 29 Palm Sunday @ 10:30 am
APR 02 Potluck before the service @ 5 pm
APR 02 Maundy Thursday @ 7:30 pm
APR 03 Good Friday @ 10:30 am
APR 03 Walking for Justice @ 2 pm
APR 05 Easter Day @ 10:30 am
APR 22 Earth's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 11 Mother's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 17 International Day Against Homophobia
MAY 24 Pentecost Day
JUN 21 Father's Day @ 10:30 am
JUN 21 Picnic Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 28 Patronal Feast of St. Paul the Apostle
JUN 28 Strawberry Social after the Service
JUN 28 Pride Sunday
JUL 01 Canada Day
AUG 03 Civic Holiday
SEP 05 Evans Street Neighbourhood Party @ 5 pm
SEP 20 The Blessing of the Backpacks @ 10:30 am
SEP 27 Back to Church Sunday @ 10:30 am
OCT 04 Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 11 Thanksgiving Sunday @ 10:30 am
NOV 08 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30 am