NOV 27 First Sunday of Advent
NOV 27 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
NOV 27 Hispanic Service @ 2:00 pm San Esteban
NOV 27 Video Reflection @ 6:00 pm
NOV 28 Advent Study @ 7:30 pm
NOV 29 Pastoral Counselling @ 11:00am
NOV 29 Pastoral Counselling @ 1:30 pm
NOV 29 Pastoral Counselling @ 4:00 pm
NOV 29 Quiet Time from 6 to 7:00 pm
NOV 30 Saint Andrew, Apostle
NOV 30 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10:00 am
NOV 30 Zoom Estudio Biblico @ 8:00 pm
DEC 01 World AIDS Day
DEC 01 Italian Mass @ 10:00 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 01 Pastoral Counselling @ 1:45 pm
DEC 01 Zoom Cluster Clericus @ 7:00 pm
DEC 04 Second Sunday of Advent
DEC 04 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 04 Hispanic Service @ 2:00 pm San Esteban
DEC 04 Video Reflection @ 6:00 pm
DEC 05 Clement of Alexandria
DEC 05 Pastoral Counselling @ 9:00 am
DEC 05 Advent Study @ 7:30 pm
DEC 06 St. Nicholas, Bishop
DEC 06 Pastoral Counselling @ 11 am
DEC 06 Quiet Time from 6 to 7:00 pm
DEC 07 St. Ambrose, Bishop
DEC 07 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10:00 am
DEC 07 Corporation Meeting @ 12:00 pm
DEC 07 Zoom Inter-Cultural Committee @ 5:30 pm
DEC 07 Zoom Estudio en Espanol @ 8:00 pm
DEC 08 The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
DEC 08 Portuguese Mass @ 10:00 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 08 Zoom Discussion Group @ 7:00 pm
DEC 09 Prophets of the Old Testament
DEC 10 Human Rights Day
DEC 11 Third Sunday of Advent
DEC 11 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 11 Hispanic Service @ 2:00 pm San Esteban
DEC 11 Video Reflection @ 6:00 pm
DEC 12 Advent Study @ 7:30 pm
DEC 13 Pastoral Counselling @ 11:30 am
DEC 13 Quiet Time from 6 to 7:00 pm
DEC 14 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10:00 am
DEC 14 Zoom Estudio en Espanol @ 8:00 pm
DEC 15 Italian Mass @ 10:00 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent
DEC 18 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 18 Hispanic Service @ 2:00 pm San Esteban
DEC 18 Video Reflection @ 6:00 pm
DEC 19 Advent Study @ 7:30 pm
DEC 20 Pastoral Counselling @ 4:00 pm
DEC 20 Quiet Time from 6 to 7:00 pm
DEC 21 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10:00 am
DEC 21 Lessons & Carols Festival @ 6:30 pm
DEC 21 Zoom Estudio en Espanol @ 8:00 pm
DEC 22 Italian Mass @ 10:00 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5:00 pm
DEC 25 Christmas Day
DEC 25 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 25 Hispanic Service @ 2:00 pm San Esteban
DEC 25 Video Reflection @ 6:00 pm
DEC 26 Boxing Day
DEC 26 Quiet Time from 6 to 7:00 pm
DEC 28 St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
DEC 28 The Holy Innocents
DEC 29 Italian Mass @ 10:00 am St.Mary Magdalene
DEC 29 Thomas Becket, Archbishop
DEC 31 John West, Martyr
DEC 31 New Year's Eve.
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: We pray for Martina Herrera, Patricia Hamid, Patricia Olivares, Belen Bielaski, Rosa Moll, Joseph Isaiah, Fran Sowton, Enzo Orlando, Cecilia Smith, Jonathan Bagus, Gloria Scarfo, Carlos Petralli, David McPherson, Venice Markos, Beno Marcus, Gillian Tenneson, Bebe Vonawesome, David Roberts, Janet & Howard Kerr, Ken Fraser, Leonard Segovia, Nick & Tim Shields, Veronica Payne, Roy Williams, Kyle Willis, Mark Richardson, Paula & Gregory Lunn & Kay Karbownik.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord of Glory!
For those who are in need: For the people of Ukraine attacked by the Russian Army and Kremlin. For those who are suffering of famine. For Sylvia Snowden, Margaret Lyons. For victims of natural disasters around the world. For the migrants, asylum seekers and refugee people. We pray for the vulnerable population and for the persecuted Christian communities around the world. We pray for the Canadian Forces abroad, and we pray for those who are suffering or in captivity due their faith, gender, sexual orientation, race, language or ideology.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord of Glory!
For those who have passed on: For all beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's: For Sadi Herrera, Bruno Heise, Bell Belingat, Patricia Blendell, Br. Christian Swayne OHC, Julio Escobar. We pray for all the victims of natural disasters around the world. We pray for all refugees killed by the religious or political fanaticism, and we pray for those innocent victims killed in conflict among nations, terrorism and organized crime.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord of Glory!
Our Thanksgiving prayer for: For the birthday of this week: Jordan & Samantha Lyons.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord of Glory!
PRAYER FOR GOD'S CREATION:For organizations and people protecting animals,
forests and other naturals resources.
For more education on environment,
especially the negative impact from industries.
For more policies to protect endangered species
such whales, turtles and polar bears.
To stop hunting camps and safaris.
For more UN's restrictions over Japan, Norway
& Iceland's whale hunting.
For more campaigns to stop the fur industry.
For the increase of bees and monarch butterfly
population around the world.
For Jane Goodall, activist and advocate for animal world
For Anita Krajnc, activist of Toronto Pig Save.
For the pets of our community,
Animals dying at Venezuelan's zoos.
For the animals victims & injured from Amazon wildfires,
For the domestic animals & wild animals of the zoos in Ukraine,
For Portia (dog) Vega, Sick,
For Martini (goat) Ponce, RIP,
Let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us, Lord of Glory!