Friday, September 3, 2010

Week of September 5 TO 11, 2010

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Join us a as community to worship and proclaim an
inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.
SEPTEMBER 5th @ 10:30 AM
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Reader: Radika Fraser
Sidepeople for August:
Alan Peters & Bev Weir
Chancel Guild:
Shirley Buckley & Mary Novak
Hymns: 445, 435, 386 & 585
Rite: BCP

SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist this Wednesday, September 8th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Haiti, Haiti. Liturgical Colour: White. Readings: Isaiah 61: 9-11; Psalm 132: 6-8, 14-18 & Acts 1: 6-11. We continues the series of studies on Via Lucis (Way of Light), Station # 12.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are sick: Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones, Maureen Curtin, Tim Shields, Eleanor Boehm, Arthur Reid, Ileen Dudek, Frank Jennings, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen Edwards, Shirley Buckley, Regina Jawrosky, Ron Nicholson & Jeff Willis.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Maureen Black, Bernice Graham, Ethan Plecash & Adriana Penna.
Those who are in need: For The Family Morgan, the Canadian Forces abroad & people victims of natural disasters in China & Pakistan, terrorism or fanaticism.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's: Henry Morgan, David Ortiz & Fred Prier.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For Maggie Lyons-Barton and her baptism on Sunday, Sep. 19th.

Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.
SEP 05 Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
SEP 06 Labour Day
SEP 08 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
SEP 09 Clericus Meeting @ 1 pm
SEP 09 Meeting with Archdeacon of York @ 3 pm
SEP 09 Corporation Meeting
SEP 12 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
SEP 13 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
SEP 14 Clericus Meeting @ 11 am
SEP 15 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
SEP 19 Baptism of Marg Lyons-Barton
SEP 19 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30
SEP 19 Roast Corn & Pot Luck @ Baptism's reception
SEP 26 Back to Church program

BIRTHDAYS OF SEPTEMBER: We congratulate all our sisters and brothers on their coming birthdays during August & September. They are:
SEP 04 Maya Stankiewicz
SEP 20 Jose Coroa
SEP 26 Thomas Tudor
SEP 29 Catherine Hanes

SEP 19 Marg Lyons-Barton, let us keep in our prayers our little sister Maggie, her parents, godparents, families and friends. Let us be prepared to the blessing to participate of Maggie's baptism and to renew our baptismal vows. Remember, after the service you are invited to our Roast Corn Festival and a Pot Luck lunch.
POST GREAT PLAQUE-IN-THE-PARK CAPER: On Monday, August 30th there was a special 100th anniversary celebration to commemorate the day that Lord Baden-Powell opened Toronto's 32nd CNE in the summer of 1910. Members of our parish attended and were very impressed with the beauty of the ceremony, the formality at the procession, the good spirit from a lot of public. Thank you for supporting these kind of community events.
SEP 05 For the Church of Sudan
SEP 06 Diocese of Guinea, West Africa
SEP 07 Diocese of Gujarat, India
SEP 08 Diocese of Gusau, Nigeria
SEP 09 Diocese of Guyana, West Indies
SEP 10 Diocese of Gwagwalada, Nigeria
SEP 11 Diocese of Haiti, Haiti

SEP 08 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
SEP 10 Edmund Peck, Missionary to the Innuit, 1924
SEP 13 Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258
SEP 14 Holy Cross Day
SEP 16 Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, c. 430
SEP 18 Founders of the Church of Canada
SEP 19 Theodore of Tarsus, Archbp.of Canterbury, 690
SEP 20 John C. Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia, 1871
SEP 21 St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.

SEP 05 Radika Fraser
SEP 12 Elizabeth Quinland
SEP 19 Harlan Lunn
SEP 26 Brian Beech.

GARDENING @ ST. PAUL'S: David Borsa is coordinating the gardening team at our parish. Are you interested? Contact David for more information and schedule. Thank you for your interest and good will to improve our parish garden. Remember: "one rule is no mistake in gardening."
FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR: In September we will start our calendar to dedicate flowers to the altar. We will post soon the new system for this beautiful way of thanksgiving to God.
SEP 05 By Kay Karbownick in memory of her parents
SEP 12 Put your name here
SEP 19 Put your name here
SEP 26 By Fr. Maurice in memory of Rosemarie Francois.
SEP 05 Shirley Buckley & Mary Novak
SEP 12 Colleen Milburn & Radika Fraser
SEP 19 Liz Quinlan & Jean Colwell
SEP 26 Betty Morgan & Anne Ferrugia.
COFFEE HOUR: Help with coffee hour. Please, sign up on the list at the newsboard. Thank you for your time and generousity in sharing a great time as a community parish. Light refreshments only.
SEP 05 Radika & Kay
SEP 12 Monica Edwards
SEP 19 Roast Corn & Pot Luck. Community Effort
SEP 26 Kingslay Iloabachie

WEEKLY SMILE: "We dont stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." Bernard Shaw
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a new person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's identity: Loves history, collects documents and magazines, sits at the north side of pews and wear glasses. So, who is our person of September? Let us know during the coffee hour.

VISIT OUR BLOG MORE OFTEN: We invite you to visit more often our blog, and click here: It is very easy to use and to read. It is an option to our web page and it is updated very often. Add this blog into your FAVOURITES in your computer. Let us know how we can improve this new channel of contact and communication. Thanks.

SEP 19 Corn Roast at Maggie's Baptism
NOV 07 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 19 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
FEB 13 Annual Vestry Meeting
FEB 20 Baden Powell Sunday
FEB 27 Bishop Poole Visit
MAR 09 Ash Wednesday
APR 17-24 Holy Week
MAY 03 Mother's Day
JUN 12 Pentecost Service
JUN 19 Father's Day
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Pageant.

CENTENNIAL BOOK: Harlan Lunn is leading the project to publish our Centennial Book, that we hope will be ready before Christmas. Colleen Milburn is assisting and thank her for her good will. We are soliciting suggested prayers of thanksgiving for the 100th years of St. Paul's mission and for continued ministry in our second century. Deadline: SEP 21.
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY: Sunday, September 26th will be Back to Church Sunday throughout the diocese and around the world throughout the Anglican Communion. The theme this year will be "Come as you are". This is a chanceto invite neighbours, colleagues, friends and family to a service at our parish. Please start thinking now about individuals that you would like to invite to share in worhsip and fellowship that Sunday.

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am.

God bless you


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