Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week Oct 3 to 9, 2010

Week of October 3rd to 9, 2010
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This Sunday, please join us to celebrate
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
& The Blessing of the Animals.
Join us a as community to worship and proclaim an
inclusive and transforming Gospel.
See you on Sunday @ 10:30 am.

Here is some news to share with you:
OCTOBER 3rd @ 10:30 AM
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Father Maurice
Homilist: Father Maurice
Lay Readers: Joan Colwell
Sidepeople for October:
Shirley Buckley & Liz Quinlan
Chancel Guild:
Shirley Buckley & Mary Novak
540, 541, 497 & 529.

SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, consider taking home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you review the readings, collect, prayers and news, or you can share it with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Join us for our Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist this Wednesday, October 6th @ 10 am. We pray for the Diocese of Ijebu, Nigeria. Liturgical Colour: Green. Readings: Galatians 2: 1-2, 7-14; Psalm 117 & St. Luke 11: 1-4. We started a new cycle of studies: "Saints Alive"!!!. Come and join us!!! Saints, don't miss them!!! We are in 101 on sainthood.
PRAYERS: Please, keep in your prayers:
For those who are sick: Nicholas Tau-Milburn, Bishop Michael Bedford-Jones, Maureen Curtin, Tim Shields, Eleanor Boehm, Arthur Reid, Frank Jennings, Arthur Reid, Glen Garbutt, Margaret Sills, Jack & Eleanor Lynch, Stephen Edwards, Shirley Buckley, Regina Jawrosky, Ron Nicholson & Jeff Willis.
For those who are sick. Additional Requests this month: Maureen Black, Bernice Graham, Ethan Plecash, Doreen Hayashi, Rob Blair, Vanessa, Patricia Soto & Christian Konow.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad & people victims of natural disasters, terrorism or fanaticism.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives & friends of St.Paul's.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For our wardens, Brian Beech (Rector's Warden) and David Borsa (People's Warden).

Please, let us keep our prayer list updated by checking the book at the entrance of the nave. Thanks.

OCT 02 Chancel Breakfast @ Grenadier in High Park @ 9:30 am
OCT 02 Rectory painting from 10 am to 4 pm
OCT 03 The Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 03 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
OCT 04 Area York West Clergy Retreat @ Kampelfeldt
OCT 05 Area York West Clergy Retreat @ Kampelfeldt
OCT 04 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
OCT 06 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
OCT 06 Centennial Book Team @ 11:15 am
OCT 06 Corporation Meeting @ 12 pm
OCT 07 Diocesan meeting from 12 to 4 pm
OCT 09Thanksgiving Decoration form 9 am to 12ish.
OCT 10 Thanksgiving Sunday Service @ 10:30 am
OCT 11 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 12 Matrimonial Preparation @ 6 pm
OCT 13 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
OCT 17 Sunday Service @ Sunday School @ 10:30 am
OCT 20 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
OCT 24 Sunday Service @ Sunday School @ 10:30 am
OCT 25 Matrimonial Preparation @ 6 pm
OCT 27 Wednesday Study & Holy Eucharist @ 10 am
OCT 31 Sunday Service @ Sunday School @ 10:30 am.

RECTORY & ROOMS @ COMMUNITY CENTRE: Our Rectory and some rooms of St. Paul's Community Centre will be on the market to be rented. In order to repair and upgrade both we are inviting you to join us on Saturday, October 2nd between 10 am to 4 pm. Please, let us know and be in solidarity. Please, sign up the calendar of our newsboard at near the lounge. Thank you!!!!!
BIRTHDAYS OF OCTOBER: We congratulate all our sisters and brothers on their coming birthdays during October. They are:
OCT 08 Emma Robins
OCT 09 Colleen Milburn
OCT 13 Adrianna Buckley
OCT 13 Isabel Tudor
OCT 20 Kay Karbownik
OCT 23 Beverly Weir
OCT 24 Elizabeth Quinlan
OCT 27 Michael Li.
God bless all of them in this new year of life.

ANNIVERSARIES: During October we remember special days for:
OCT 01 Wedding of Suzanne Dalcourt & Drago Avdalovic
OCT 15 Departure of Mary Jamrich
OCT 22 Departure of Philippa & Kieran Barton
OCT 26 Baptism of Clara & Chase Norton
OCT 04 Francis of Assisi, Friar, 1226
OCT 10 Paulinus, 1st Bishop of York, Missionray, 644
OCT 13 Edward the Confessor, King of England, 1066
OCT 15 Teresa of Avila, Reformer, 1582
OCT 17 Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c.115
OCT 18 St. Luke the Evangelist.
For more information about the calendar of the Church Year, check the BAS (pages 14 to 33).
OCT 03 For the Church in Wales
OCT 04 Diocese of Igbomina, Nigeria
OCT 05 Diocese of Ihiala, Nigeria
OCT 06 Diocese of Ijesha North, Nigeria
OCT 07 Diocese of Ijumu, Nigeria
OCT 08 Diocese of Ikara, Nigeria
OCT 09 Diocese of Ijebu, Nigeria
OCT 03 Jean Colwell
OCT 10 Margaret Lyons
OCT 17 Radika Fraser
OCT 24 Alan Peters
OCT 31 Brian Beech.
FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR: Let us give thanks to God with flowers. The dedication can be for a memorial, a birthday, anniversary, thanksgiving, etc. Always is there a good reason to worship God with the beauty in God's creation.
OCT 03 By Fr. Maurice in memory of Rosemarie Francois
OCT 10 Put your name here
OCT 17 Put your name here
OCT 24 Put your name here
OCT 31 Put your name here.

OCT 03 Shirley Buckley & Mary Novak
OCT 10 All set of Saturday, Jean to clear
OCT 17 Margaret Lyons & Radika Fraser.
THANKSGIVING 2010: On Saturday, October 9th from 9:30 am to 12ish, we invite you to clean and decorate for Thanksgiving Service next day. We need fruits & veggies. Thank you for your interest and contribution.
COFFEE HOUR: Help us with coffee hour. Please, sign up on the list at the newsboard. Thank you for your time and generousity in sharing a great time as a community parish. Light refreshments only.
OCT 03 Put your name here
OCT 10 Put your name here
OCT 17 Put your name here
OCT 24 Put your name here
OCT 31 Put your name here

WEEKLY SMILE: "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." Mark Twain
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a new person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's identity: Walks a dog around the church property, plays saxophone, and sits at the middle south side of the nave. So, who is our person of October? Let us know during the coffee hour.

VISIT OUR BLOG MORE OFTEN: We invite you to visit more often our blog, and click here: It is very easy to use and to read. It is an option to our web page and it is updated very often. Add this blog into your FAVOURITES in your computer. Let us know how we can improve this new channel of contact and communication. Thanks.

OCT 03 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 10 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 07 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 19 Christmas Pageant
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
FEB 13 Annual Vestry Meeting
FEB 20 Baden Powell Sunday
FEB 27 Bishop Poole Visit
MAR 09 Ash Wednesday
APR 17-24 Holy Week
MAY 03 Mother's Day
JUN 12 Pentecost Service
JUN 19 Father's Day
OCT 02 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 09 Thanksgiving Sunday
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
DEC 25 Christmas Pageant.

EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Eucharist Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am.

God bless you


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