Week of September 9th to 15th, 2012
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Presider & Homilist: Fr. Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Readers: Margaret Lyons
Sidepeople for September:
Gordon & Mildred Leighton, and Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Betty Morgan & Mary Novak
Hymns: 397, 481, 592 & 306
Rite: BAS
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The homily this sunday is based on St. Mark 7: 24-34 on the narrative of the Syrophoenician woman's faith. |
READINGS for SUNDAY: The readings for this Sunday are: Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23; Psalm 125; James 2: 1-10, 14-17 & St. Mark 7: 24-37.
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
WEDNESDAY STUDIES: Join to our Wednesday Study, Eucharistic Celebration and Coffee Time @ 10 a.m. Liturgical colour: Green. We pray for the Diocese of Southern Brazil in Brazil. Readings for this Wednesday, September 12th: 1 Corinthians 7: 25-31; Psalm 45: 11-18 & St. Luke 6: 20-26.
SEP 09 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
SEP 09 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
SEP 10 Advisory Board @ 8 pm
SEP 11 Postulancy Committee @ 11 am
SEP 12 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
SEP 12 Corporation meeting @ noon
SEP 13 Italian Mass @ 10 am St. Mary Magdalene
SEP 14-16 Clergy Retreat Parkdale Deanery
SEP 16 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
SEP 18 Clericus meeting @ 11 am Toronto West Deanery
SEP 19 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
SEP 20 Italian Mass @ 10 am St. Mary Magdalene
SEP 20 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
SEP 23 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Chris & Kendal Berry, Anne Blok, Barry Wilson, Beulah Reid, Bernice Graham, Norm McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Regina Jaworskyj, Jack Lynch, Yvonne Rutkay, Michael Li Sr., Mimi Rassias, Joy McGee, Gary Beech, Susan Vipond, Rita Young, Fred Bucsis and Tina Chan.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad and for prisoners and in captivity.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's: Antonio di Fresca, Martinique Francois, Eleane Liverpool and Michael Farelli,
Our thanksgiving prayer for: For the members of the Advisory Board of our parish.
Diocese of South Western Brazil, Brazil
Diocese of Southeast Florida, USA
Diocese of Southeastern Mexico, Mexico
Diocese of Southern Brazil, Brazil
Diocese of Southern Highlands, Tanzania
Diocese of Southern Malawi, Malawi
SOCIAL JUSTICE & ADVOCACY PRAYER CYCLE September 9, Pray for St. Nicholas, Birch Cliff, its participation in a community Christmas dinner program, the Churches by the Bluffs Food Bank, and the Beach Interfaith Lunch Program; and for St. Paul, Bloor Street, its support of Jacaranda Farm in northern Nigeria and Habitat for Humanity, and its partnership with the Toronto City Mission.
September 16, Pray for St. Paul, Uxbridge, its support of a hospital chaplaincy, Young Life Uxbridge, the Loaves and Fishes foodbank, LOFT – Wilkinson House, Council of the North, Christmas Hamper Program, Knit-A-Square, Project Noah, local schools, and other ecumenical outreach at home and abroad; and for St. Peter, Cobourg, its support of ecumenical NeighbourLink outreach services, including a weekly supper program, school breakfast clubs and reading programs, the “Bright Starts” programs for young parents and the “Collective Kitchen” cooking program, and parish involvement in St. Peter’s Court supportive housing.
September 23, Pray for St. Peter, Erindale, its Deacon’s Cupboard, parish nursing initiative, and the work of its Outreach/Social Justice Team;
and for St. Peter, Oshawa, and its Parish Food Bank.
and for St. Peter, Oshawa, and its Parish Food Bank.
September 30, Pray for St. Peter, Carlton St., Toronto, its work on refugee resettlement, and ministry to the Fudger House nursing home;
and for St. Philip, Etobicoke, its monthly community lunch, and refugee sponsorship program.
and for St. Philip, Etobicoke, its monthly community lunch, and refugee sponsorship program.
FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR:Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes.
SEP 09 Kay Karbownik x her mother Esther McGee
SEP 16 Fr. Maurice x his mother Martinique
SEP 23 Put your name here
SEP 30 Put your name here.
SEP 09 Margaret Lyons
SEP 16 Harlan Lunn
SEP 23 Radika Fraser
SEP 30 Brian Beech
OCT 07 Radika Fraser
OCT 14 Harlan Lunn
OCT 21 Jean Colwell
OCT 28 Brian Beech
SEP 10 Edmund James Peck, Missionary to the Inuit, 1924
SEP 13 Cyrprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258
SEP 14 Holy Cross Day
SEP 16 Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, c. 430
SEP 18 Founders of Missionary of the Church of Canada.
SEP 19 Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690.
SEP 20 John C. Patterson, Bishop of Melanesia, Martyr, 1871
SEP 21 Saint Matthew, Apsotle and Evangelist
SEP 25 Sergius, Abbot of Holy Trinity, Moscow, Teacher, 1871
SEP 26 Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, 1626
SEP 29 Saint Michael and All Angels
SEP 30 Jerome, Teacher of the Faith, 420.
SEP 09 Put your name here
SEP 16 Kay Karbownik
SEP 23 Put your name here
SEP 30 Father Maurice.
SEP 11 Omolara Kushimo, Baptismal Anniversary
SEP 19 Ileen Dudek, Memorial Anniversary
SEP 29 Fr. Maurice, Ordination Anniversary.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee reports that four panels with organ pipes from the old organ of The Church of The Holy Trinity, build in 1849, will be installed at the narthex of our temple, the installation will be complete during summer.
SEP 30 Back to Church Sunday
OCT 07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Day
NOV 11 Remembrance Day
DEC 02 St. Paul's 103th Anniversary
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
JAN 13-20 Week of Prayer for the Christian Unity
JAN 20 Christian Unity Ecumenical Service
FEB 12 Pancake Supper
FEB 13 Ash Wednesday
FEB 24 Baden Powell Sunday
MAR 02 World Day of Prayer
MAR 03 Annual Vestry Meeting
MAR 24 Palm Sunday
MAR 28 Maundy Thursday & Potluck
MAR 29 Good Friday
MAR 31 Easter Day
MAY 05 Mother's Day
JUN 23 Strawbeery Social
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Email: iglesiastesteban@hotmail.com
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