Thursday, November 14, 2019

Week of November 17 to 24, 2019.
Twentieth-third Sunday of Pentecost.
Presiders: Bishop Jenny Andison
Homilist: Bishop Jenny Andison
Reader: Andreas D'Souza
Organist: James Chubb
Chancel Guild: Betty & Katharine
Hymns: 371, 430, 482 & 525
Rite: BAS
READINGS for SUNDAY: The readings for this Sunday are: Isaiah 12: 2-6; Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 & St. Luke 21: 5-19. 

NOV 17 Andreas D'Souza
NOV 24 Margaret Lyons
DEC 01 Margaret Lyons
DEC 08 Radika Fraser
DEC 15 Brian Beech
DEC 22 Colleen Milburn
DEC 24 Andreas D'Souza
DEC 29 Harlan Lunn
NOV 17 Betty & Katharine (Episcopal Visit)
NOV 24 Margaret & Titi
DEC 01 Colleen & Mary
DEC 08 Betty & Radika
DEC 15 No Communion
DEC 22 Colleen & Anne
DEC 24 Betty & Margaret
DEC 29 Colleen & Katharine

WEDNESDAY STUDY: Join us every Wednesday at 10 am at the Lady Chapel for Eucharist Celebration, and Study at the Parish Lounge and followed by Coffee Time and Fellowship. Next Study, Wednesday, November 20th 2019 @ 10 am. St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, Martyr, 870. Liturgical Color: Red. Readings: 2 Maccabeus 7: 1, 20-31, 39-42; Psalm 17: 1-8 & St. Luke 9: 11-28. 
For those who are travelling. 
For those who are sick:  Rene Keats, Tasija Bailey, Bishop Michele Pollesel, Veronica Payne, Jessica Ryan, Don McHardy, Frances Lima, Ymelda Petrocelli, George Saunders, Roy Williams, Bruno Heise, Tatiana Yanez, Rene Keats, Gillian Tenneson, Anita Bessos, Anne van Dam, Louise Mendell, Kyle Willis, Bob McEachren, Linda Uno, Arnold Grogg, Susan Pratten, Nick Shields, Diane D'Souza, Jean Colwell, Claire Gamage, Win Bourchier, Alan Peters, Mark Richardson, Donald Wright, Shirley Buckley, Paula & Gregory Lunn, Kay Karbownik & Gilbert McGee.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 
For those who are in need:  For Gael Cohen, Don Blanchet, Karl Schneider & Family, Reidenger Family, David Bershe, Shields Family, Joan Racine, Justin Bailey, Patrick Kerr, Erik Petersson & Margaret Lyons. For the people of Syria, Haiti and Venezuela. For the social crisis in Chile. For the migrants, asylum seekers and refugee people. We pray for the vulnerable population and for Christian communities around the world. We pray for the Canadian Forces abroad, and we pray for those who are suffering or in captivity due their faith, gender,  sexual orientation, race, language or ideology.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 
For those who have passed on: For all beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St.Paul's:  For Cheryl Jones, Alan Peters & Kathleen Wilson. We pray for all the victims of natural disasters. We pray for all refugees killed by the religious or political fanaticism, and we pray for those innocent victims killed in conflict among nations, terrorism and organized crime.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 
Our Thanksgiving prayer for: The birthday of Robert Fraser, Mary Tudor and Bert Hein, and for the new life of the baby girl Tess Tudor.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 
For our partnership in prayer with
St.Paul's Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Diocese of Venezuela in the Ninth Province of US
Sebei in Uganda
Sekondi in West Africa
Seoul in Korea
Seychelles in Indian Ocean
Sheffield in England
and for the Diocese of Shinyanga en Tanzania.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 
For organizations and people protecting animals,
forests and other naturals resources.
For more education on environment,
especially the negative impact from industries.
For more policies to protect endangered species
such whales, turtles and polar bears.
To stop hunting camps and safaris.
For more UN's restrictions over Japan, Norway
& Iceland's whale hunting.
For more campaigns to stop the fur industry.
For the increase of bees and monarch butterfly
population around the world.
For Jane Goodall, activist and advocate for animal world
For Anita Krajnc, activist of Toronto Pig Save.
For the pets of our community,
Animals dying at Venezuelan's zoos.
For Okie, Cat (Lunn),
For Roger (Kangaroo) in Australia, RIP
For Chuang Chuang, RIP, Panda Zoo in Thailand
For Fluffy (Cat) RIP,
For Juky (dog) RIP,
For Alagba (turtle) of 344 years in Nigeria, RIP,
For Harley (dog) (Moore) RIP. 
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear our prayers. 

NOV 17 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
NOV 17 Episcopal Visit, Bishop Jenny
NOV 17 Confirmation and Re-affirmations
NOV 17 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
NOV 18 Pastoral Counselling @ 11 am,  3 pm & 5:30 pm
NOV 18 Yoga Group @ 6:30 pm Parish Lounge
NOV 19 Pastoral Counselling @ 3 & 6 pm
NOV 20 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am 
NOV 20 Trans Memorial Service @ 5 pm at 519 Centre
NOV 21 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
NOV 21 Clericus meeting @ 1 pm
NOV 24 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
NOV 24 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
NOV 25 Clericus meeting @ 1:30 pm
NOV 25 Yoga Group @ 6:30 pm Parish Lounge
NOV 27 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am 
NOV 27 Trans Esteban Group @ 6 pm at Holy Trinity Church
NOV 28 Italian Mass @ 10 am St.Mary Magdalene
NOV 28 Discussion Group @ 7:30 pm

NOV 17 Pot Luck (please sign up at news board)
NOV 24 Father Maurice
DEC 01 Put your name here
DEC 08 Put your name here
DEC 15 Put your name here
DEC 22 Put your name here
DEC 29 Father Maurice
NOV 17 Colleen Milburn
NOV 24 Margaret Lyons
DEC 01 Margaret Lyons
DEC 08 Betty & Ken
DEC 15 Betty & Ken
DEC 22 Marlene Beech
DEC 24 Marlene Beech

NOV 17 Episcopal Visit by Bishop Jenny Andison
NOV 17 Confirmation & Re-Affirmations
DEC 01 World AIDS Day
DEC 08 St. Paul's Parish Anniversary # 110
DEC 10 Human Rights Day
DEC 15 Lessons & Carols Service @ 10:30 am
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service @ 5 pm
DEC 25 Christmas Day.
JAN 18-25 Week of Prayers for Christian Unity
JAN 27 Ecumenical Service 3 pm. @ St.James' Cathedral
FEB 18 Family Day (Provincial Holiday)
MAR 01 Annual Vestry Meeting @ 12 pm
MAR 02 World Day of Prayer @ 10 am
MAR 03 Baden Powell Sunday @ 10:30 am
MAR 05 Pancake Supper from 5 to 7:30 pm
MAR 06 Ash Wednesday Service @ 10 am
APR 02 World Day of Autism
APR 14-21 Holy Week
APR 14 Palm Sunday @ 10:30 am
APR 17 Spy Wednesday @ 10 am
APR 18 Seder Supper @ 5:30 pm
APR 18 Maundy Thursday @ 7:30 pm
APR 19 Good Friday @ 10:30 am
APR 19 Walking for Justice @ 12 pm
APR 20 Holy Saturday & Easter Vigil @ 8 pm
APR 21 Easter Day @ 10:30 am
APR 22 Earth's Day
MAY 12 Mother's Day @ 10:30 am
MAY 17 International Day Against Homophobia
JUN 09 Pentecost Day
JUN 16 Father's Day 
JUN 16 Picnic Service @ High Park @ 10:30 am
JUN 23 Pride Sunday & Pride Parade
JUN 30 Strawberry Social after the Service
JUL 01 Canada Day (Federal Holiday)
JUL 01 Patronal Feast of St. Paul the Apostle
AUG 05 Civic Day.
SEP 07 Evans Street Neighbourhood Party @ 5 pm
SEP 15 The Blessing of the Backpacks @ 10:30 am
SEP 22 Social Media Sunday
SEP 27-28 Parish Retreat at Raymond, Ontario
SEP 29 Back to Church Sunday @ 10:30 am
OCT 06 Blessing of the Animals @ 10:30 am
OCT 13 Thanksgiving Sunday @ 10:30 am
OCT 14 Thanksgiving Day
OCT 27 Reformation Sunday
NOV 10 Remembrance Sunday @ 10:30 am
NOV 11 Remembrance Day @ 11 am

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