Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Week April 29 to May 5, 2012
Week of April 29 to May 5, 2012
SUNDAY, APRIL 29th 2012
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Reader: Mark Richardson
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for April:
Gordon & Mildren Leighton and Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Margaret Lyons & Jean Colwell
Rite: BAS
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The homily this Sunday is based on The Good Shepherd. |
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
CENTENNIAL BOOK: Our Centennial Book is available. Price $ 35 per book (subsidize price) and signed by the author, Harlan Lunn. Please, plan to buy your copy and one extra copy for birthdays, anniversaries or keep it until Christmas as a gift.
WEDNESDAY SERVICE: Join us for our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, May 2nd @ 10 am, followed by coffee time. Liturgical Colour: White. We pray for the Dicoese of North Carolina, USA. St, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 373. Readings: Acts 12: 24 - 13: 5a; Psalm 67 & St. John 12: 44-50.
APR 29 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 30 Postulancy Committee @ 10 am.
APR 30 Community Culture & Event Meeting @ 12 pm
MAY 01 Cantor's meeting @ 1:30 pm
MAY 01 Baptismal Preparation @ 5:30 pm
MAY 02 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
MAY 02 Pastoral Counseling @ 3 pm
MAY 03 Italian Mass @ 10:30 am @ St.Mary Magdalene
MAY 03 Chancel Guild meeting @ 10 am
MAY 04 Wedding Rehearsal @ 3 pm
MAY 05 Wedding of Lillian & Alfred Rasmussen @ 10 am
MAY 06 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
MAY 06 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
MAY 06 Deacon's Ordination @ 4 pm. St. James' Cathedral
MAY 07 Bishop's Company Dinner @ 7 pm.
MAY 08-09 Postulancy Committee @ 2 pm
MAY 08 Baptismal Preparation @ 5:30 pm
MAY 09 Wednesday Study & Morning Prayer @ 10 am
MAY 09 Corporation meeting @ 12 pm
MAY 10 Italian Mass @ 10 am, St. Mary Magdalene
MAY 10 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
MAY 13 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
MAY 13 Mother's Day
MAY 13 Baptism of Thomas Paul Tanchak @ 10:30 am
MAY 13 Spanish Mass @ 2 pm. Parroquia San Esteban
MAY 14-16 Clergy Conference in St. Catherine
MAY 16 Wednesday Study & Morning Prayer @ 10 am
MAY 17 Italian Mass @ 10 am. St. Mary Magdalene
OUR PARISH PRAYERS:For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lynda Short, Anne Blok, Kim Sloane, Carol McCarthy, Monique Sikora, George Fennel, Heather Harris, Gary Beech, Baulah & Arthur Reid, Stephanie Martin, Norma McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Maureen Curtin, Bernice Graham, Mimi Rossias, Regina Jarowskjy, Martinique Francois and Beulah Alay.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's. Stephen Morgan, Ray Sellars, Emilia Pucci, Patricio Carrillo,Ulrich Sikore, & Hillary Alfeisky.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: The coming wedding of Alfred and Lillian Rasmussen.
APR 28 Diocese of Nord Kivu, Congo
APR 29 Diocese of North Carolina, USA
APR 30 Diocese of North Central, Philippines
MAY 01 Diocese of North Dakota, USA
MAY 02 Diocese of North Est India, India.
April 29, Easter 4 – Pray for the Raphael Centre in our companion diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, itsHIV counselling and testing programs, crafts training for HIV positive women, nursery school, and other pastoral care programs; and for the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, its weekday meal program for the homeless and marginally housed, its new community ministry for people with HIV/AIDS in collaboration with the Diocese of Toronto, and its fair trade coffee, chocolate and olive oil program.
Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes. Thanks
Fr. Maurice x his sister Rosemarie.
MAY 06 Put your name here
MAY 13 Put your name here
MAY 20 Put your name here
MAY 27 Put your name here/
THURSDAY DISCUSSION GROUP: Join us and let us learn and grow together in this journey of faith and spirit. Very inter-active dynamic. We are looking for you!!!!!!
APR 29 Catherine of Siena, reformer, 1380 (see above)
MAY 01 Saint Philip & Saint James, Apostles
MAY 02 Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, 373
MAY 06 Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist
MAY 08 Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Teacher, c. 1417
MAY 12 Florence Nightingale, Nurse, Reformer, 1910
MAY 14 Saint Matthias the Apostle
MAY 19 Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988
MAY 25 Bede, Priest, Monk of Jarrow, 735
MAY 26 Augustine, First Archbishop of canterbury, 605
MAY 31 The Visit of the Blessed Virgin May to Elizabeth
APR 29 Mark Richardson
MAY 06 Brian Beech
MAY 13 Margaret Lyons
MAY 20 Jean Colwell
May 27 Mark Richardson
APR 29 The Morgans
MAY 06 Fr. Maurice
MAY 13 Put your name here
MAY 20 Put your name here
MAY 27 Put your name here
MAY 09 Gavin Diaz
MAY 10 Joan Stankiewicz
MAY 13 Marjorie Babb
MAY 16 Kyle Diaz
MAY 16 Nyle Diaz.
MAY 02 Memorial anniv. of Rotha Surherland
MAY 10 Wedding anniv. of Fr. Maurice & Mary
MAY 13 Baptismal anniv. of Marley Bradfield
MAY 13 Baptismal anniv. of Leonard Mathu
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.+
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee resported that we inherit church furniture, lines and altar clothes, books, dishwasher, a wall pamphlet stand, bishop's throne and many other church stuffs from the recently closed St. Mark & Calvary Church. In the picture, David, Brian and Harlan carrying the new bishop throne to St. Paul's from St. Mark & Calvary.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Some superb definitions to poner: Cigarette: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other."
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: Nice couple with nice children. Always smiling, their twin were baptized in our parish. So, who are the people of April? Let us know during the coffee hour.
NEW MISSION STATEMENT: Please, for the first proposal for our Mission Statement taking from our current one, postedin several news board in our church. Please, let us know your feedback or if you want, sent us your proposal as well. Let us accomplish this project by ending May. Thank you very much for your input and interest.
MAY 13 Mother's Day
MAY 27 Pentescost Sunday
JUN 10 Garden Society Party
JUN 17 Father's Day
JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 19 Summer Parish BBQ
SEP 08 Evans Street Party
SEP Back to Church Sunday
OCT 07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Day
NOV 11 Remembrance Day
DEC 02 St. Paul's 103th Anniversary
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
It is with extreme sadness that we announce
the sudden passing of Steven Morgan (37),
the nephew of our sister Betty Morgan.
the sudden passing of Steven Morgan (37),
the nephew of our sister Betty Morgan.
At Ridley Funeral Home
3080 Lakeshore Boulevard West, Toronto
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
7:00 to 9:00 pm
At St. Paul's Church, Runnymede,
404 Willard Avenue, M6S 3R5
at 11:00 am.
At Ridley Funeral Home
3080 Lakeshore Boulevard West, Toronto
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
7:00 to 9:00 pm
At St. Paul's Church, Runnymede,
404 Willard Avenue, M6S 3R5
at 11:00 am.
Our prayers are with the Family Morgan.
Missing Georgetown boy found.
+A missing 14-year-old boy who disappeared from his family's home in Georgetown late Sunday night has been located safe and sound about 15 kilometres away, police say.
A CN worker spotted Adam Thompson near Heritage Road and Bovaird Drive in Brampton at around 4 p.m. Monday afternoon.
Thompson, who has autism, had left his home at around 10:30 p.m. Sunday after getting into an argument with his parents over computer use.
At the time of his disappearance he was not wearing any shoes.
"Obviously we need to have a chat with him," Insp. Jackie Gordon of Halton Regional Police told CP24. "A lot of resources went out to try and find this young man who had clearly been very upset with his situation at home and we want to make sure that doesn't happen a second time."
A command post had been set up to co-ordinate the search, which drew in volunteers from Thompson's family and the community at large.
Gordon said it's too early to tell how the boy covered such a significant distance, but said his emotional state may have played a part.
"Sometimes when people are in that state they don't feel pain," she said. "They are upset, they are concerned, they are anxious and they don't feel any pain in many instances."
Gordon added that Thompson's parents were "elated" to hear that he had been found.
This is a divine miracle as says Mary Novak from our parish, and sister of Sara Novak, the person who found the boy and notified to CN about this situation.
Contribution by Betty Morgan
St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede is a welcoming family of devoted Christians in Bloor West Toronto.
We are committed to the fostering of spiritual discovery and growth for those in our neighbourhood seeking God in their lives.
We strive to achieve this by offering a rich and varied program of worship, prayers, education, community service, and by having fun together.”
St. Paul’s Church, Runnymede is a welcoming and supportive Anglican community committed to fostering spiritual discovery and growth in the lives of those seeking the enriching and transformative power of God’s unending message of love, justice, compassion and hope.
Week April 22 to 28, 2012
Week of April 22 to 28, 2012
SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd 2012
Third Sunday of Easter
Earth Day & Festivity of St. George.
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Reader: Radika Fraser
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for April:
Gordon & Mildren Leighton and Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Colleen Milburn & Radika Fraser
Rite: BCP
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
CENTENNIAL BOOK: Our Centennial Book is available. Price $ 35 per book (subsidize price) and signed by the author, Harlan Lunn. Please, plan to buy your copy and one extra copy for birthdays, anniversaries or keep it until Christmas as a gift.
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Reader: Radika Fraser
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for April:
Gordon & Mildren Leighton and Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Colleen Milburn & Radika Fraser
Rite: BCP
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
CENTENNIAL BOOK: Our Centennial Book is available. Price $ 35 per book (subsidize price) and signed by the author, Harlan Lunn. Please, plan to buy your copy and one extra copy for birthdays, anniversaries or keep it until Christmas as a gift.
APR 22 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 22 Hispanic Mass @ @ pm, Parroquia San Esteban
APR 23 Meeting at the National Church House @ 2 pm
APR 25 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
APR 26Mass in Italian @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
APR 26Clericus Meeting @ St. Matthias @ 1 pm
APR 26 Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
APR 29 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 30 Postulancy Committee @ 10 am.
MAY 01 Baptismal Preparation @ 5:30 pm
MAY 02 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
MAY 03 Italian Mass @ 10:30 am @ St.Mary Magdalene
MAY 03 Chancel Guild meeting @ 10 am
MAY 05 Wedding of Lillian & Alfred Rasmussen @ 10 am
MAY 06 Mother's Day
MAY 06 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
MAY 06 Hispanic Mass @ 2 pm Parroquia San Esteban
MAY 06 Deacon's Ordination @ 4 pm. St. James' Cathedral
MAY 07 Bishop's Company Dinner @ 7 pm.
OUR PARISH PRAYERS:For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lynda Short, Anne Blok, Kim Sloane, Carol McCarthy, Monique Sikora, George Fennel, Heather Harris, Gary Beech, Baulah & Arthur Reid, Stephanie Martin, Norma McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Maureen Curtin, Bernice Graham, Mimi Rossias, Regina Jarowskjy, Martinique Francois and Beulah Alay.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's. Patricio Carrillo,Ulrich Sikore, Hillary Alfeisky, Daniel Zamudio & Bruce Kirkpatrick.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: The new life life Noah Benjamin McPherson.
APR 22 Diocese of New of New Castle, Australia
APR 23 Diocese of Niagara, Canada
APR 24 Diocese of Niassa, South Africa
APR 25 Diocese of Nicaragua, Nicaragua
APR 26 Diocese of Niger Delta North, Nigeria
APR 27 Diocese of Niger Delta South, Nigeria
APR 28 Diocese of Niger Delta, Nigeria.
April 22, Easter 3 – Pray for the Philip Aziz Centre, Toronto, a hospice providing practical, emotional, and spiritual support for adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses; and for the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, the national Church’s agency for sustainable development, relief, and global justice, and JustGeneration, its youth advocacy and awareness initiative.
April 29, Easter 4 – Pray for the Raphael Centre in our companion diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, itsHIV counselling and testing programs, crafts training for HIV positive women, nursery school, and other pastoral care programs; and for the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, its weekday meal program for the homeless and marginally housed, its new community ministry for people with HIV/AIDS in collaboration with the Diocese of Toronto, and its fair trade coffee, chocolate and olive oil program.
Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes. Thanks
APR 22 Easter Lillies by dontation.
APR 29 Fr. Maurice x his sister Rosemarie.
MAY 06 Put your name here
MAY 13 Put your name here
MAY 20 Put your name here
MAY 27 Put your name here/
THURSDAY DISCUSSION GROUP: Join us and let us learn and grow together in this journey of faith and spirit. Very inter-active dynamic. We are looking for you!!!!!!
APR 21 Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1109
APR 23 George, Patron of England, Martyr, 4th c. (see above)APR 24 Martyrs of the XXth century
APR 25 Saint Mark the Evangelist
APR 29 Catherine of Siena, reformer, 1380.
APR 22 Radika Fraser
APR 29 Mark Richardson
MAY 06 Brian Beech
MAY 13 Margaret Lyons
MAY 20 Jean Colwell
May 27 Mark Richardson
APR 22 Kay Karbownik & Radika Fraser
APR 29 Father Maurice
MAY 06 Put your name here
MAY 13 Put your name here
MAY 20 Put your name here
MAY 27 Put your name here
APR 24 Shirley Buckley
MAY 09 Gavin Diaz
MAY 10 Joan Stankiewicz
MAY 13 Marjorie Babb
MAY 16 Kyle Diaz
MAY 16 Nyle Diaz.
MAY 02 Memorial anniv. of Rotha Surherland
MAY 10 Wedding anniv. of Fr. Maurice & Mary
MAY 13 Baptismal anniv. of Marley Bradfield
MAY 13 Baptismal anniv. of Leonard Mathu
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee resported that we inherit church furniture, lines and altar clothes, books, dishwasher, a wall pamphlet stand, episcopal throne and many other church stuffs from the recently closed St. Mark & calvary Church.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Priceless quotes from Mark Twain "Classic: A book which people praise and don't read."
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: Nice couple with nice children. Always smiling, their twin were baptized in our parish. So, who are the people of April? Let us know during the coffee hour.
NEW MISSION STATEMENT: We are looking for volunteers who want to work in our Mission Statement taking as a base ur current one. Please, if you are interested contact Fr. Maurice or our wardens david Borsa or Brian Beech. Thank you very much.
MAY 06 Mother's Day
MAY 27 Pentecost Sunday
JUN 10 Garden Society Party
JUN 17 Father's Day
JUN 24 Strawberry Social
JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 19 Summer Parish BBQ
SEP 08 Evans Street Party
SEP 30 Back to Church Sunday
OCT07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 11 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 02 St. Paul's Anniversary # 103
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service.
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The author of The Centennial Book of St. Paul's, Runnymede.
After a long process Harlan is smiling at the launching day.
(All photos by Emma Borsa)
.(All photos by Emma Borsa)
A brief blessing and dedication was the opening.
Harlan is giving thank to all those who contrinuted
to publish our Centennial Book.
Betty Morgan is buying several copies of the book.
She is smart and she will be ready for Christmas.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
By ACNS staff
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has today revealed that he is to step down from his role at the end of the year.
His decision comes after 10 years in the post and after accepting the position of Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
In a statement issued from Lambeth Palace, the Primate of All England said, “It has been an immense privilege to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury over the past decade, and moving on has not been an easy decision. During the time remaining there is much to do, and I ask your prayers and support in this period and beyond.
“I am abidingly grateful to all those friends and colleagues who have so generously supported Jane and myself in these years, and all the many diverse parishes and communities in the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion that have brought vision, hope and excitement to my own ministry. I look forward, with that same support and inspiration, to continuing to serve the Church’s mission and witness as best I can in the years ahead.”
The Archbishop is the Focus of Unity for the Anglican Communion. He is convener and host of the Lambeth Conference, President of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), and Chair of the Primates’ meeting. In these roles he travels extensively throughout the Anglican Communion, visiting provinces and dioceses, and supporting and encouraging the witness of the Church in very diverse contexts. As primus inter pares among the bishops, he has a special concern for those in episcopal ministry.
Following the announcement, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion Canon Kenneth Kearon wrote to members of the Standing Committee informing them of the decision.
He asked them to remember Archbishop Rowan and his family during this time of transition and reflected on the Primate’s time in office saying it had “coincided with a period of turmoil, change and development in the Anglican Communion, and his careful leadership, deeply rooted in spirituality and theology, has strengthened and inspired us all in the Communion during this time.”
Archbishop Rowan’s announcement means that ACC-15 in New Zealand during the last quarter of this year will be his last as President of the ACC.
The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said he was saddened to hear the news: “Our partnership in the gospel over the past six years has been the most creative period of my ministry. It has been life-giving to have led missions together, gone on retreats and prayed together. In his company I have drunk deeply from the wells of God’s mercy and love and it has all been joyful. He is a real brother to me in Christ.
“The last decade has been a challenging time for the Church of England and the Anglican Communion. Thankfully, Archbishop Rowan is a remarkable and gifted leader who has strengthened the bonds of affection.”
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has today revealed that he is to step down from his role at the end of the year.
His decision comes after 10 years in the post and after accepting the position of Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge.
In a statement issued from Lambeth Palace, the Primate of All England said, “It has been an immense privilege to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury over the past decade, and moving on has not been an easy decision. During the time remaining there is much to do, and I ask your prayers and support in this period and beyond.
“I am abidingly grateful to all those friends and colleagues who have so generously supported Jane and myself in these years, and all the many diverse parishes and communities in the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion that have brought vision, hope and excitement to my own ministry. I look forward, with that same support and inspiration, to continuing to serve the Church’s mission and witness as best I can in the years ahead.”
The Archbishop is the Focus of Unity for the Anglican Communion. He is convener and host of the Lambeth Conference, President of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), and Chair of the Primates’ meeting. In these roles he travels extensively throughout the Anglican Communion, visiting provinces and dioceses, and supporting and encouraging the witness of the Church in very diverse contexts. As primus inter pares among the bishops, he has a special concern for those in episcopal ministry.
Following the announcement, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion Canon Kenneth Kearon wrote to members of the Standing Committee informing them of the decision.
He asked them to remember Archbishop Rowan and his family during this time of transition and reflected on the Primate’s time in office saying it had “coincided with a period of turmoil, change and development in the Anglican Communion, and his careful leadership, deeply rooted in spirituality and theology, has strengthened and inspired us all in the Communion during this time.”
Archbishop Rowan’s announcement means that ACC-15 in New Zealand during the last quarter of this year will be his last as President of the ACC.
The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said he was saddened to hear the news: “Our partnership in the gospel over the past six years has been the most creative period of my ministry. It has been life-giving to have led missions together, gone on retreats and prayed together. In his company I have drunk deeply from the wells of God’s mercy and love and it has all been joyful. He is a real brother to me in Christ.
“The last decade has been a challenging time for the Church of England and the Anglican Communion. Thankfully, Archbishop Rowan is a remarkable and gifted leader who has strengthened the bonds of affection.”
Week of April 15 to 21, 2012
Week of April 15 to 21, 2012
SUNDAY, APRIL 15th 2012
Second Sunday of Easter
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li. Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Reader: Brian Beech
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for April:
Gordon & Mildren Leighton and Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
Betty Morgan and Mary Novak
Rite: BAS
SUNDAY LEAFLET: Please, take home the Sunday Leaflet. It can help you to review the readings, collect, prayers and parish news, or you can share this leaflet with other parishioners or friends who were not able to attend the Sunday Service. Thank you for your cooperation.
CENTENNIAL BOOK: Our Centennial Book is available. Price $ 35 per book (subsidize price) and signed by the author, Harlan Lunn. Please, plan to buy your copy and one extra copy for birthdays, anniversaries or keep it until Christmas as a gift.
WEDNESDAY SERVICE: Join us for our Study & Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, April 18th @ 10 am, followed by coffee time. Liturgical Colour: White. We pray for the Dicoese of New Westminster, Canada. Readings: Acts 5: 17-26; Psalm 34: 1-8 & St. John 3: 16-21.
APR 15 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 17 Meeting with Archdeacon Peter Fenty @ 2 pm
APR 17 Ethnic Ministry Committee @ 5;15 pm
APR 17 Sanctuary North Committee @ 7 pm
APR 18 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
APR 19 Mass in Italian @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
APR 19 Chancel Guild & Turner and Porter @ 10 am
APR 22 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 23 Meeting at the National Church House @ 2 pm
APR 24 Wednesday Study & HE @ 10 am
APR 25 Mass in Italian @ 10. St. Mary Magdalene
APR 25 Clericus Meeting @ St. Matthias @ 1 pm
APR Discussion Group from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
APR 29 Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am
APR 30 Postulancy Committee @ 10 am.
For those who are travelling:
For those who are sick: Lynda Short, Anne Blok, Kim Sloane, Carol McCarthy, Monique Sikora, George Fennel, Heather Harris, Gary Beech, Baulah and Arthur Reid, Stephanie Martin, Norma McLeod, Lynne Argyle, Maureen Curtin, Bernice Graham, Mimi Rossias, Regina Jarowskjy, Martinique Francois and Beulah Alay.
Those who are in need: For the Canadian Forces abroad.
We pray for those who have died: For all those beloved from our congregation, family members, relatives and friends of St. Paul's. Ulrich Sikore, Hillary Alfeisky, Daniel Zamudio & Bruce Kirkpatrick.
Our thanksgiving prayer for: The new life life Noah Benjamin McPherson.
APR 15 Diocese of New Hampshire, USA
APR 16 Diocese of New Jersey, USA
APR 17 Diocese of New York, USA
APR 18 Diocese of Newwark, USA
APR 19 Diocese of New Castle, England
APR 20 Diocese of New Westminster, Canada.
April 15, Easter 2 – Pray for the Church of the Nativity, Malvern, its afterschool, summer camp and youth programs, Seniors’ Community Lunch, and support for the local Aboriginal community, Malvern Coalition and TAIBU Community Health Centre; and for North House Shelter, Beaverton, and its work to end rural homelessness by providing a supportive, integrated continuum of housing services and supports.
April 22, Easter 3 – Pray for the Philip Aziz Centre, Toronto, a hospice providing practical, emotional, and spiritual support for adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses; and for the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, the national Church’s agency for sustainable development, relief, and global justice, and JustGeneration, its youth advocacy and awareness initiative.
April 29, Easter 4 – Pray for the Raphael Centre in our companion diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, itsHIV counselling and testing programs, crafts training for HIV positive women, nursery school, and other pastoral care programs; and for the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, its weekday meal program for the homeless and marginally housed, its new community ministry for people with HIV/AIDS in collaboration with the Diocese of Toronto, and its fair trade coffee, chocolate and olive oil program.
Please, after you donate flowers to the altar provide your invoice to Shirley Buckley or accumulate for the end of the year for tax purposes. Thanks
APR 15 Easter Lillies by dontation. See below.
APR 22 Put your name here
APR 29 Fr. Maurice x his sister Rosemarie.
EASTER LILLIES 2012: The flowers decorating the church this Eastertide are given to the glory of God:
In loving memory of family members gone on before
from Brian & Marleen BeechIn loving memory of dear husband John from Monica Edwards.
In loving memory of husband Ted and my family members
from Kay Karbownik In loving memory of husband Jack from Marg Lyons.
In loving memory of her parents and brother from Betty Morgan.
In loving memory of son Scott from Cliff & Barb Noble.
In loving memory of Thomas Peter Sr, Lillian Peters, Thomas Peters Jr., & Margaret Peters Walpole from Alan Peters.
In loving memory of Sydney & Connie MacLean
from their daughters Bev Weir & Jean Spencer. In loving memory of Harry & Vera Skingle
from their granddaughters Beverly Weir & Jean Spencer..
THURSDAY DISCUSSION GROUP: Join us and let us learn and grow together in this journey of faith and spirit. Very inter-active dynamic. We are looking for you!!!!!!
APR 21 Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1109
APR 23 George, Patron of England, Martyr, 4th c. (see above)
APR 24 Martyrs of the XXth century
APR 25 Saint Mark the Evangelist
APR 29 Catherine of Siena, reformer, 1380.
APR 15 Brian Beech
APR 22 Radika Fraser
APR 29 Mark Richardson
APR 15 Father Maurice & Brian Beech
APR 22 Put your name here
APR 29 Father Maurice
APR 15 Gordon Leighton
APR 20 Anne Farrugia
APR 24 Shirley Buckley
APR 11 Claudio Soto, Memorial Anniversary
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN: Still making your pending decision? There is still time! Please, let us know about your support. You will receive a phone call or letter soon. Thank you for your time and good will to give to your parish.
PROPERTY REPORT: The Property Committee resported that we inherit church furniture, lines and altar clothes, books, dishwasher, a wall pamphlet stand, episcopal throne and many other church stuffs from the recently closed St. Mark & calvary Church.
FOOD BANK: Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our Food Bank tha we share with those in need. We are asking to focus more into food and supplies for children (diapers). Please, do not bring peanut butter. Thanks.
WEEKLY SMILE: Priceless quotes from Mark Twain" Caoulinflowers is nothing but cabbage with a colled education."
WHO IS WHO?: Each month we will have a person to discover! A few clues and let us guess the person's name: Nice couple with nice children. Always smiling, their twin were baptized in our parish. So, who are the people of April? Let us know during the coffee hour.
NEW MISSION STATEMENT: We are looking for volunteers who want to work in our Mission Statement taking as a base ur current one. Please, if you are interested contact Fr. Maurice or our wardens david Borsa or Brian Beech. Thank you very much.
MAY 06 Mother's Day
MAY 06 Mother's Day
MAY 27 Pentecost Sunday
JUN 10 Garden Society Party
JUN 17 Father's Day
JUN 24 Strawberry Social
JUL 01 Canada Day
JUL 19 Summer Parish BBQ
SEP 08 Evans Street Party
SEP 30 Back to Church Sunday
OCT07 The Blessing of the Animals
OCT 07 Thanksgiving Sunday
NOV 11 Remembrance Sunday
DEC 02 St. Paul's Anniversary # 103
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Service.
EPILOGUE: Come and join us. Our Sunday Service & Sunday School @ 10:30 am. and our Wednesday Study & Eucharistic Celebration @ 10 am.
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
See you around. Chanel your gifts and talents with us!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Afrikaans: geseënde Paasfees
Albanian: gëzuar Pashkët
Arabic: فِصْح سعيد
Basque: ondo izan Bazko garaian
Breton: Pask Seder
Bulgarian: честит Великден
Chinese (Cantonese): 復活節快樂
Chinese (Mandarin): 復活節快樂
Catalan: bona Pasqua
Cornish: Pask Lowen
Croatian: Sretan Uskrs
Czech: Veselé Velikonoce
Danish: God Påske
Dutch: Vrolijk Pasen / Zalige paasdagen
Esperanto: Feliĉan Paskon
Estonian: Häid lihavõttepühi
Finnish: hyvää pääsiäistä
Flemish: zalig Pasen
French: joyeuses Pâques
Gaelic: (Irish) Cáisc Shona Dhuit/Dhaoibh
Beannachtaí: na Cásca
Gaelic (Manx): Caisht sonney dhyt
Gaelic (Scottish): a' Chàisg sona
Galician: boas Pascuas
German: frohe Ostern
Greek: Καλό Πάσχα
Hebrew: חג פסחא שמח
Hindi: īsṭar maṅgalamay ho
Hungarian: kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket
Icelandic: gledilega paska
Indonesian: Selamat Paskah
Italian: buona Pasqua
Japanese: イースターおめでとう
Korean :행복한 부활절이 되시길
Latin: prospera Pascha sit
Latvian: priecīgas Lieldienas
Lithuanian: su Šventom Velykom
Maltese: L-Għid it-tajjeb
Norwegian: god påske
Persian/Farsi: عيد پاک مبارک
Polish: Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych
Portuguese: Feliz Páscoa
Punjabi: īsṭar khuśyāṅvālā hove
Romanian: Paşte fericit
Russian: с праздником Пасхи
Serbian: срећан Ускрс
Sicilian: bona Pasqua
Slovak: milostiplné prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov
Slovenian: Vesele velikonočne praznike
Spanish: felices Pascuas
Swahili: heri kwa sikukuu ya Pasaka
Swedish :glad Påsk
Tagalog: maligayang pasko ng pagkabuhay
Thai: สุขสันต์วันอีสเตอร์
Turkish: paskalya bayramınız kutlu olsun
Ukranian: З Великодніми святами
Volapük: lesustanazäli yofik
Welsh: Pasg Hapus
Yoruba: Eku odun ajinde.
Albanian: gëzuar Pashkët
Arabic: فِصْح سعيد
Basque: ondo izan Bazko garaian
Breton: Pask Seder
Bulgarian: честит Великден
Chinese (Cantonese): 復活節快樂
Chinese (Mandarin): 復活節快樂
Catalan: bona Pasqua
Cornish: Pask Lowen
Croatian: Sretan Uskrs
Czech: Veselé Velikonoce
Danish: God Påske
Dutch: Vrolijk Pasen / Zalige paasdagen
Esperanto: Feliĉan Paskon
Estonian: Häid lihavõttepühi
Finnish: hyvää pääsiäistä
Flemish: zalig Pasen
French: joyeuses Pâques
Gaelic: (Irish) Cáisc Shona Dhuit/Dhaoibh
Beannachtaí: na Cásca
Gaelic (Manx): Caisht sonney dhyt
Gaelic (Scottish): a' Chàisg sona
Galician: boas Pascuas
German: frohe Ostern
Greek: Καλό Πάσχα
Hebrew: חג פסחא שמח
Hindi: īsṭar maṅgalamay ho
Hungarian: kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket
Icelandic: gledilega paska
Indonesian: Selamat Paskah
Italian: buona Pasqua
Japanese: イースターおめでとう
Korean :행복한 부활절이 되시길
Latin: prospera Pascha sit
Latvian: priecīgas Lieldienas
Lithuanian: su Šventom Velykom
Maltese: L-Għid it-tajjeb
Norwegian: god påske
Persian/Farsi: عيد پاک مبارک
Polish: Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych
Portuguese: Feliz Páscoa
Punjabi: īsṭar khuśyāṅvālā hove
Romanian: Paşte fericit
Russian: с праздником Пасхи
Serbian: срећан Ускрс
Sicilian: bona Pasqua
Slovak: milostiplné prežitie Veľkonočných sviatkov
Slovenian: Vesele velikonočne praznike
Spanish: felices Pascuas
Swahili: heri kwa sikukuu ya Pasaka
Swedish :glad Påsk
Tagalog: maligayang pasko ng pagkabuhay
Thai: สุขสันต์วันอีสเตอร์
Turkish: paskalya bayramınız kutlu olsun
Ukranian: З Великодніми святами
Volapük: lesustanazäli yofik
Welsh: Pasg Hapus
Yoruba: Eku odun ajinde.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Week of April 8 to 14, 2012
Week April 8 to 14, 2012
Presider & Homilist: Father Maurice
Organist: Michael Li
Cantor: Devin Yuke
Lay Reader: Mark Richardson
Sunday School Coordinator: Colleen Milburn
Sidepeople for April:
Gordon & Mildred Leighton, Harlan Lunn
Chancel Guild:
All set & Anne Farrugia
Rite: BAS
EASTER LILLIES 2012: The flowers decaorating the church this Easteride are give to the glory of God by:
In loving memory of family members gobe on before from Brian & Marleen Beech.
In loving memory of dear husband John from Monica Edwards
In loving memory of husband Ted and family members of Kay Karbownik
In loving memory of of husband Jack from Marg Lyons
In loving memory of her parents and brother from Betty Morgan
In loving memory of son Scott from Cliff & Barb Noble
In loving memory of Thomas Peters Sr. Lillian Peters, Thomas Peters Jr., and Margaret Walpole from Alan Peters.
In loving memory of of Sydney & Connie MacLean from their daughters Bev Weir & Jean Spencer.
In loving memory of of Harry & Vera Skingle from their granddaughters Bev Weir & Jean Spencer.
LAUNCHING OF THE CENTENNIAL BOOK: Our Centennial Book's launching will be held this Sunday, April 8th after the Easter Sunday Service. A special and brief liturgy will be say to bless and dedicate this great efoort to the glory of God. Book will be sale in $ 35 (subsidy price) and signed by the author, Harlan Lunn. Please, mark this day and plan to buy your copy and other to give for birthdays, anniversaries or keep it until Christmas as a gift.
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